Ferthyr had sought refuge in a densely populated treetop, moving in the wind as was the entire plant. Not without a considerable amount of anxiety and inner tension he watched the scenario unfold far beneath him. It seemed that his companion had the intend to roll up the little caravan from behind -- admittingly probably the best thing he could do given the situation. In his eyes he was doing so quite efficiently, quickly assassinating two of the men before the other could even start paying attention to him. It was at this point that Ferthyr started charging the spell. Magic was piling up in his more human looking hand and what had started as a three-dimensional spot of swirling air had developed into a fireball scorching the leaves above it once Bardeck started moving backwards, ready to defend himself. Hopefully he wouldn't be too distracted by what came next, and hopefully he himself would aim sufficiently well. His own rapid movements due to his post high up in the tree, the airflow between him and his target, gravity... all factors that had to be taken into account. Bardeck would feel his hair move in an unexpected way and a massive surge of thermal radiation move rapidly well over his head. The blast splat onto the ground about a dozen yards away from him, tossing up dust and gravel and turning green grass into blackened remnants. One couldn't say the same for the two much more massive and more protective men it was intended to hurt, but there were severe burns in their faces that caused intense pain along with the fact that the blast wave had disrupted their rapid walk towards Bardeck, bringing them into not so comfortable contact with the ground below. Noses were bleeding and heads shaken in disorientation. The billowing cloud of dust and smoke brought with it the smell of burnt hair and skin as well as a loud scream from the one that had been closest to the epicentre. Ferthyr could foresee that this most likely had been the first and last opportunity for him to do what he had just done. Those who could still fight, followed by those who could do so after some recovery, would be much closer to his companion the next time. There was no need to keep silence anymore, so he wasn't hesitant to dig his claws into the trees bark in order to slow his vertical descent. He started running towards Bardeck's position as fast as he could, although that wasn't very fast at all.