Kyra shivered as they entered, trying to sink towards Ray's body heat. Her eyes flicked around the room, feeling very much like a tiny mouse being hunted by an eagle. She grasped Ray's hand as he took hers, not really thinking about it. She needed his comfort as much as he needed hers. She watched his flame, feeling a little bit better by the warmth of the flame. "I'm scared too, but we can do this," She said, her voice trembling a little bit. They were acting like scared rabbits, when they were probably the most powerful duo in the world. They didn't feel that way though, not after everything that had happened thus far. She wanted to run away, pack up and go to Ireland, hide in the green grass with the rest of her family. She probably should have done that a long time ago. The book would have been safer with more than one Ward witch watching over it. When she did get it back, she was taking it to Ireland. She had no business keeping it. Not now, not ever.