[hr][center][h3][color=f26522][i]The Seat of Mavros[/i][/color][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pXq6CxJ.png[/img][/center] [hr] The sun was setting behind the Meiano Mountains as a group of adventurers began their trek through the city up to the peak where the Seat of Mavros lay. At the base of the mountain, the city sprawled lazily, their peace protected by walls and the elven archers perched among the ramparts. The dozens of shops that lined the wavy streets began to close, and the owners of the stalls waved greetings to the passersby. These adventurers were no mere unknowns: some had fought in epic battles to keep their lands safe, while others were bastions of peace and knowledge that garnered followers from across the realms. A handful were unknown, although their deeds had resonated throughout the land. These were the called: the Titan Hunters. Each had their own reasons for answering the call, be it for glory or for gold, but the goal was clear: save the people from the massive terrors that threatened their hard-earned peace. Some of the terrors plotted in shadows, waiting for their time to strike, while others were already beginning to rampage. The call had gone out to all able-bodied men and women who could answer it, and many had been turned away. Those that remained, the Titan Hunters, were requested to meet in the Seat of Mavros at the center of the continent to discuss their next targets. At the peak of the mountain lay the Seat itself: a keep nestled along the Meiano Mountains near the Pass of Mavros. None could travel through the Pass without being seen by the watchful eyes of the Mavrosian forces, and the Mavros family had ruled the city for generations. Now under the control of the eastern country of Verrayne, Mavros was ruled by the Twin Dukes: Lord Vicente and Lady Ada Mavros. The Lord had a gentle hand, garnering the trust and love of his people, while the Lady had a strategic mind and an eye for organization. Together, they covered for each others' weaknesses and had guided Mavros through years of turbulence. Now, they needed help from without. The group that trekked up the mountainside was fairly eclectic: a half-orc paladin wielding the symbol of Tyr, an elderly human whose quickness belied his years of training, a masked aasimar woman leading a ferocious owlbear, a wood elf whose feet seemed to barely touch the ground in her gracefulness, a halfling woman with nondescript clothes and a powerful staff, a gnome whose goggles were still slightly darkened by the soot from her last experiment, a dashing-looking human whose smile was as quick as his fingers, a warforged whose footsteps echoed heavily through the emptying streets, and a half-elf whose visage seemed to smoke with his arcane flames. These were the called who approached the Seat of Mavros to meet the Duke and Duchess above. What would they be tasked with? Who would they face? Who was behind the call for aid? None yet knew, and the anticipation grew with every step. [center][h2][b]Welcome one and all to:[/b][/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/AruG59n.png[/img][/center]