The shadow didn't react to Yugi, when he reached out to him. However, as soon as the boy touched, it faded completely from the ground. "He's not necessarily out here, Yugi", the genie explained. "He's [i]inside[/i] you, thriving within your heart. He can only make himself known to you, whenever you may feel the negative; anger, jealousy, or even fear, he will arise, and you could lose sight of who you are", she sighed, almost sadly. "He [i]is[/i] the darkness within your heart". "Aside from my duty to protect you, my job is to keep him from influencing you in succumbing to that darkness. If these beings manage to do so, then chaos could ensue...or worse", she looked away from Yugi, to the side. "I can't treat them, or change them. It's who they are; they are their own being from within you". She then closed her eyes, almost in shame. "I am a shadow, as well, Yugi".