"We'll keep you around," Isaac reassured, "I won't lie, it's mostly to make sure we all have an alibi." A couple of cop cars drove past the trio towards the city, "If something goes down, we gotta make sure we get our stories straight." Isaac looked back towards the cops, one car in particular began slowing down. He blinked once and saw a birds eye view of the cop car from a vulture circling above a carcass. He blinked again and saw the interior of the cop car, hands frozen above a small keyboard and terminal on the dashboard. [i]"That truck, looks familiar eh?"[/i] [i]"No idea, I just wanna go home."[/i] [i]"Huh, something doesn't feel right about it."[/i] "Shit, we need to get off the highway." Isaac began to slightly speed up and turn onto a dirt road hidden by brush and began driving into a random desert field. "Whoa, where are we going?" "Those cops, they're trying to track us. I don't think it matters a whole lot at the moment where we go." Isaac blinked back into the cops view. [i]"Nothing's pulling up, stupid computer's slow as shit."[/i] [i]"You got the license plate?"[/i] [i]"Yea, we'll do it at the station."[/i] Isaac noticed the cop scribble the license on a piece of paper, a small cup of what smelled like coffee, a lonely cigarette, and the tiniest scratch on a wire connected to the computer, exposing a small slit of copper and a metallic wire. Isaac spoke through the cop. [i]"Mind if I bum the last one?"[/i] [i]"What? You don't smoke."[/i] Isaac's eyes grew wide, he knew he couldn't say that he wanted to try or something similar because it would throw caution to the other cop. He began to think, and a thought, an unknown voice began recalling a woman criticizing and drunkenly patronizing a male voice. [b]Alcohol. Impotence. Lust. Sadness.[/b] [i]"I just need something to take the edge off, Bev is off the wagon again and she-"[/i] The other cop raised his hand [i]"Dylan, you gotta leave her. She's literally toxic. And a massive bitch."[/i] The cop known as Dylan chuckled, [i]"Yeah, I know."[/i] The other cop grabbed a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette as Dylan rolled the window down. The piece of paper caught wind and flew out the window. Isaac forced Dylan to smoke, drag after drag, then later tossing the butt out the window. The city limits sign passing by. The computer was next. [i]"Y'know, I got the tests back. I have a good count of, um, soldiers."[/i] Isaac spoke through Dylan. [i]How do I know any of this?[/i] [i]"Oh yea?"[/i] The other cop chuckled [i]"Told ya so, it was her all along. She's blaming you for literally everything, even her cheating on you because she thinks you can't pop out a tyke."[/i] Isaac made Dylan grab the cup for a drink. [i]"Dude, my coffee."[/i] The other cop seemed annoyed [i]"What? I'm thirsty."[/i] Isaac hated to do this, but had to fake a sneeze or something. As he began, the other cop drove into a pothole, making Isaac force Dylan to drop the coffee forward and onto the exposed wire, short-circuiting the computer, and blacking out. [i]"Are you kidding me? You made me spill the- Shit, the computers dead."[/i] [i]"Me? The hell are you talking about!"[/i] Isaac blinked out mid argument. "Done." "Wait, what are you talking about?" Ryan asked Isaac eventually coasted to a stop. Empty desert. The thin outline of the city skyline in the distance, the highway miles away. He drove aimlessly into unmarked desert, a few trees spotted around. He parked underneath a tree, "This could be good to have a makeshift cover. We should be good here, for now."