A third rider came into the town with the rest of the group. This rider was a gnome with soot darkened goggles with bright pink hair, and she was riding on a mechanical cat like creature with two saber like teeth protruding from the mouth. Normally, the gnome would have announced her arrival with fireworks and a grand advertisement to visit her stores and purchase her wares. As of now? Well, she was calming her nerves down in only way she knew how: Tinkering! She was currently drawing a blueprint regarding one of the heroes and what the current modification idea would be and how it would affect him. One of the heroes that she was traveling with was a Warforged! A genuine, bona-fide Warforged! What [i]were[/i] the odds?! She always dreamt of at [i]least[/i] tinkering on an existing Warforged and giving them some cool modifications, if not create a Warforged of her own! And from the looks of [i]this[/i] particular Warforged, Titan Bane, it seems as though his creators neglected to give him a personality. A lack of personality meant a lack of freedom to a certain degree! And that is something that Scrapmouse would [i]not[/i] stand! She tried talking to Titan Bane before, only to receive no answer, but when she asked him if she could make some modifications on him to improve his fighting skills, she got an affirmative answer!!! That made her so giddy with excitement, she could've clapped her hands like a child! She was going to have figure out a good time she can tinker on him later... Oh she could just imagine it now! Titan Bane, donning clothes of his favorite colors and twirling around with, what others would call, a "Broadway" personality, laughing and smiling at others he met. If she could give Sparky his sweetheart personality, then how hard could it be to give a Warforged a personality? Almost manic giggles escaped from Scrapmouse's grin as she continued drawing the blueprints for a weapon that would shoot crossbow bolts from the Warforged knees. She called it..."The Bee's Knees" It was just...Genius! .....It would also be good to install a Force Shut Down function in case the Warforged Barbarian decided to go Rogue on anyone and/or turn evil..... Scrapmouse shook her head rapidly, trying to get rid of the dark memories that plagued her. She never wanted to participate in such a Battle Royale, and she never wanted instant powers like others seem to desire. She looked up when she heard a commotion to see that the masked humanoid woman with the owlbear stop and console a child. She couldn't help but grin. It was honestly a cute and comical sight. And then it was spoiled by the half-orc paladin who commented on the reasoning for being in this city and admitted that he was worried and anxious about hearing why they were here. Scrapmouse had Sparky walk past the both of them and she commented casually as they moved past, understanding the worry, "[color=magenta]Oh relax, Buster. Worryin' ain't gonna help wit' anythin'! I'm sure we all can handle whatever they need help with, otherwise, they would never have called us,[/color]" After Sparky strolled past them and continued on the way to their meeting point, Scrapmouse turned to look at the other travelers. There was the human thief who tried to sneak away, but was caught by the elderly human, a halfling with a staff, a wood elf, and a half elf who seemed to be almost on fire. The half elf and the human thief were definitely attractive guys, but their flaws were plain as day to the gnome. The half-elf seemed to be enjoying the attention too much, and she didn't want anyone stealing her inventions! So she ignored the both of them as she turned her focus towards the crowds once again and towards their intended destination.