Barely had the new tools been put to use when the sign of enemies showed on the riverbank. Tuskor's family that was left behind swore a bloodoath of revenge, and tensions in the village escalated rapidly. Before long, Raznok came back to demand to see the cheiftain. He had a dozen other orcs with him, and they were all angry. [i]"I told you we should have made weapons, Garogh! Bloodthirsty savages lurk to the east, and we have no idea who they are! We must arm ourselves and exact out vengeance upon them!"[/i] he roared almost the instant her barged into the cheiftain's tent. Garogh was sitting down, surrounded by a war council. They all glared angrily at Raznok, and the moment he finished his last sentence he realized his shame. [i]"How dare you, whelp--"[/i] started one of the veteran warriors, but Garogh stopped him. [i]"Your passions are understandable, Raznok, and perhaps you were right. Or rather, perhaps you think you were right. Still, I disagree."[/i] said Garogh, and rose to his feet with the help of his walking stick. In his youth he had been a mighty and cunning warrior, but now age had taken its toll on him. Raznok opened his mouth to speak, but the glares from the other present orcs seemed to silence him. [i]"You would have us march off into unknown lands and wage war, would you? You may be a competent smith, but you are indeed a fool."[/i] Later, the cheiftain adressed the clan. With the new iron tools, lumber would be acquired at an increased rate. With this new quantity of the resource, the Orcs would construct a watch tower on their side of the river bank. That way if they were attacked, they would have ample warning of any encroaching enemies. Garogh promised his people, this transgression would not go unpunished, but he would not send more Orcs to waste their lives in the east. When the resources became available to them, new weapons would be made. Perhaps then this new enemy could be fought. C) Construct watch tower at our side of the river.