[color=ed145b][h3][Center]~Lyra Anderly~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Rune_Alchemist] Lyra was relieved that the woman decided not to kill her. Still there was a quiet voice in the back of her head, nagging her. [i]‘She is just waiting for you to turn around to kill you safely. Are you seriously that crazy that you would trust her?’[/i] There was a point to it – why would a guard ally themselves so easily with a prisoner? From what Lyra knew, the guards on the Alcatraz weren’t exactly angels, only the toughest got sent there. It seemed to be almost as much punishment for them as it was for the inmates. But then again, Lyra was hardly in a position where she could be picky about potential allies. And she also agreed that they should find some safer place before anyone else shows up. [color=ed145b]“Allright,[/color]” she nodded, trying to sound bold and decisive. [color=ed145b]“We should move,”[/color] she said, gesturing into the jungle with her staff. The looked at each other for a moment, none of them wanting to go first and have the other one behind her back. Then Lyra laughed. [i]‘What do I have to lose? My wonderful life?’[/i] she thought ironically and headed for the jungle. Cold shivers ran down her spine when she heard the other woman follow her. Despite her thoughts, she didn’t actually want to die. The animals were scared out of the area by the cellblock impact, but now they were slowly returning. The jungle was filled with strange sounds; Lyra gave a lurch every time she heard some loud unexpected noise. She was holding her staff up, ready to throw a flame at anything that would seem like a threat.