I couldn't honestly imagine anyplace more ghastly if I smashed a graveyard into a haunted church. Oh well, just the price one must pay in order to hunt these days it seems. Lord Rivet wasn't above getting his hands a little dirty in order to satisfy his desires to kill. "Well now, this one seems rather...interesting." He said with interest as he appeared onto the field seconds after Xavier did about twenty five meters from the crater. A gentleman did not make a flashy entrance with lights and nonsense. He simply showed up and did his work without complaint. Of course there was plenty to complain about, but he was here to fight, not to talk! The first thing he noticed while waiting for the fog to clear was all the strange weaponry just strewn about. It was absolutely abhorrent how cluttered the ground was, and was no way to have a presentable battleground for this occasion. No matter, he would simply have to make the most of it, though one did catch his eye. A gladius with peculiar markings along the blade was sticking out of the ground in perfect condition. It looked to be something he might have seen during his travels, but he wouldn't know until he pulled it out of the ground. "Where the blazes is my opponent?"