[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Inzj52m.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dNTpes5.gif[/img][/center] Cyrus entered the dining hall with Braden in tow. He hadn’t had the opportunity to talk with the infinite ventriloquist before, but Cyrus could now only describe him as… odd. He could understand someone having a love for his craft, but did he have to use those puppets all the time? Also, why was the male puppet fixated on calling him his wife? Cyrus didn’t dislike the guy, but he doubted he could maintain conversation with this infinite for long without going mad. As Braden took a seat, Cyrus excused himself to get food for them both, making his way towards the nearby kitchen. But Cyrus would encounter someone on the way to their destination. Bliss was briskly walking after the poet when Cyrus entered the room just after Daimyon left. She stopped in her tracks. [color=#F08172]“O-oh, Hello Cyrus. I don't think you've eaten yet have you?”[/color] She looked at his stomach, as if to examine how full it was. [color=#F08172]“There's still plenty of food out back, just sit down and I'll be right back!”[/color] She pulled out a chair to an empty table and walked off. It was not hard to imagine she would return swiftly with something to eat. Cyrus smiled and nodded curtly. [color=D1c2bf]”Good morning, Bliss.”[/color] He responded. He could smell the food coming from the back, and it immediately significantly improved his mood. The encounter with Parker had put quite a dent in it. [color=D1c2bf]”I haven’t, indeed.”[/color] Cyrus was going to say that it was fine, that he’d get the food. He couldn’t let her do all the work, now could he? However, the nanny moved around a little too quickly for Cyrus to get his response in. He resigned himself to getting served, and quietly sat down at the table. It didn't take bliss long to return with a plate of hot food. The eggs were still steaming, and the smell of bacon was inviting to almost anyone. The pancakes were also all very uniform in size, and could have come right out of a TV commercial. It was probably a little too much food for the politician. [color=#F08172]“I ate earlier, I hope you don't mind if I sit here.”[/color] Bliss pulled out a seat for herself and sat across from Cyrus. She didn't attempt to start a conversation. The nanny propped her head up on her arm and tapped the table with her fingers. [color=D1c2bf]”Go right ahead.”[/color] Cyrus answered politely. The food looked absolutely wonderful. It reminded him a lot of the food his mother used to make, when he still lived at home. However, Cyrus could not help but feel there was an ulterior motive at work here. He took a few cautious bites from the bacon and pancakes, leaving the eggs to cool a little. Finally, he decided to initiate some conversation. [color=D1c2bf]”How are you feeling? Yesterday must’ve been hard on you.”[/color] He asked with concern. He did remember that Bliss had cared for the ‘innocent and vulnerable’ Shaun. He wondered if she just wanted someone to talk to right now. She turned to look at Cyrus. [color=#F08172]“W-well, yesterday was hard on everyone.”[/color] Bliss sat up straight and fret her brow. [color=#F08172]“But it it could have been a little bit easier if it wasn't for you!”[/color] Bliss didn't give Cyrus time to respond. He barely had time to change his facial expression. [color=#F08172]“We talked about your temper, and you did it again!”[/color] Cyrus could feel the scorn radiating off of the elegantly dressed woman. [color=#F08172]“How Jezebel treated Krista wasn't nice, but that's no excuse for you to act like a big jerk!”[/color] Cyrus almost choked on his pancakes as Bliss started her lecture. [color=D1c2bf]”Well, we’re not talking about something that just… changed overnight, you know?” [/color] Cyrus was somewhat sorry for Jezebel, though her behaviour was definitely reprehensible as well. He shifted on his chair uncomfortably, not exactly sure what to say. [color=D1c2bf]”I mean, do I deeply regret my actions… you know...”[/color] He muttered. Today definitely was not his day. Bliss folded her arms and looked away from Cyrus. [color=#F08172]“We don't have Mondatta anymore.”[/color] Bliss's eyes drifted away from the politician. [color=#F08172]“I wanted to yell at her too, but we can't work together if we let our emotions get the best of us.”[/color] Bliss closed her eyes. [color=#F08172]“Even Krista wasn't as polite as she could have been. We were all arguing with our emotions at that point.”[/color] She sighed before cracking her eyes open and looking at Cyrus. [color=#F08172]“You're the infinite politician. People look up to you. If you're going to take your position seriously you have to work on your temper.”[/color] Cyrus knew that Bliss was correct, he never disputed that. [color=D1c2bf]”I have been using the zen garden lately. I think it works… just not instantly.”[/color] He pointed out. [color=D1c2bf]”I swear, I am working on it. But you can’t expect this to just up and vanish in less than a week’s time, can you?”[/color] He sighed. [color=D1c2bf]”This… it’s new to me too, you know? At least at this severity...”[/color] It was no excuse, but it was the truth. Cyrus could only explain it as the stress of the killing game piling up on what already existed beforehand. [color=D1c2bf]”I just need time...”[/color] Bliss listened to everything Cyrus said before resting her hands on the edge of the table. [color=#F08172]“Well, I'm not sure it's a good idea to be by yourself in this place.”[/color] She was leaning forward in her chair. [color=#F08172]“Would you mind if I started going with you? I think it's something I could benefit from as well.”[/color] Cyrus looked up at her. [color=D1c2bf]”That sounds like a lovely idea.”[/color] The politician said. [color=D1c2bf]”But are you sure? I reckon you have more things you want to do than just stick around me.”[/color] He wondered out loud. He could definitely see the upside. It was safer for them both to have someone accompanying them. And as they were discussing this a public space, it’d be unlikely they would turn on each other later. That was the benefit she was talking about, right? Bliss shook her head [color=#F08172]“No, I've wanted to use the zen garden a few times myself, but I can't focus when I'm by myself. I won't be there all the time, but let me know when you're going and I'd like to come with you.”[/color] She stood up. [color=#F08172]“I didn't really want to yell at you after getting your breakfast out.”[/color] the nanny placed a hand on the side of her face. [color=#F08172]“I hope it still tastes good.”[/color] Cyrus smiled. [color=D1c2bf]”Can’t let something like that sour the mood. I’m not holding it against you, I completely understand where you’re coming from. And it still tasted delicious.”[/color] He answered. But he couldn’t help wonder. [color=D1c2bf]”What do you need the zen garden for? Are you sure you’re feeling well?”[/color] The nanny rubbed her shoulder. [color=#F08172]“I just, don't think it's safe for people to be alone with their thoughts is all.”[/color] Bliss took a few steps away from the table. [color=#F08172]“Speaking of, I haven't seen Caora or Mary. I'm going to go check up on them.”[/color] The nanny walked away from the table. [color=#F08172]“Come find me later when you plan on going, alright?”[/color] Cyrus nodded approvingly, then continued eating his breakfast until the last bite.