[quote]The reason I feel it so necessary to explain this, is because from what I've seen, Nation roleplays are played very differently here. They don't seem very character-based. They seem to deal more with administrative duties, and very little with actually developing characters and exploring their lives outside of sending letters to other nations or whatever. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with playing a Nation roleplay that way, but I'm saying that's not how Precipice of War plays. And because Precipice of War plays so much like character-based roleplays, I felt I needed to put an interest-check here to get the attention of people who might otherwise not come across the interest-check in the Nation RP section. Because, frankly, it's not getting much interest there, and I feel a lot of it has to do with the fact that Nation roleplays simply aren't very popular, probably because most people here seem to prefer character-based roleplays.[/quote] What you say is true, and I think the trend stems indirectly from the fact that writers for nations, at least in the advanced subforum, consider it better writing to realistically portray and deconstruct the inner bureaucracy of a government. On the meta-analysis, meticulously lending details in such a fashion helps other posters better understand what each faction is capable of - posters are less likely to be angry if they feel they've been sent a curveball if you can back it up with solid reasoning and precedence. Individual characters can suffer from such a focus, but I've had the fortune to participate in a few RPs where character development was expected and required of posters in addition to writing for a faction. As for the lack of apparent interest for Nation Roleplays - I can say that before the Guild reboot, there used to be something of a NRP regulars group (not an official group, mind you: Literally, just a bunch of specific people who could usually be expected to be working on/writing in an NRP), and since the reboot a large number of them appear to be gone. Personally, I don't like the Nation Role Play subforum simply because I can no longer filter NRP threads through the advanced section. I am unsure how frequent NRPs were/are in the Free/Casual subforums, but if they were/are rare in those places that might also explain the lack of interest.