Hey, I'm not Erin. Roleplaying career: I've dabbled in the past but nothing very serious, I'd like to start though because I have stories I want to write but as with all things writing takes practice! Roleplaying preferences: Well I love fantasy and Sci fi stories the most but I've also been on a Super Hero bent recently! So we shall see. Hobbies and interests: I read, it's my no.1 hobby. My favourite books are The Doomsday Book and The Slow Regard of Silent Things. I have a third favourite book but I've forgotten What it is. I'm currently reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, I enjoyed American Gods by the same but I felt it lacked a certain something, a spark, that would have made it great instead of merely enjoyable. I love movies and tv shows aswell, but who doesn't :L I enjoy biking around the country side when it's not raining, so that would be never. I recently acquired a 'fitbit' so I'll either be getting fit or spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the dismal number of steps I've managed in any given day. Thanks for reading, and all that jazz..