[@Normie] Something big and metal-sounding came from the distance off the path that Ivas was running. Looking in said direction showed a hill. Over that hill, monstrosities of bulking sizes stood. They were three in number and menacing. As they groaned with unearthly noises, something brighter and nicer looking stood before them. Long curly golden hair with a large pink bow was facing whatever person happened to touch the top of that hill, their back turned to the viewer. A greataxe was held in the stranger's hands. Fur and metal adorned the rest of their body. From the front it did not cover as much as you would think it did! It was a female. Her lips were nicely painted and her eyelashes prominent. Cleavage was the hallmark of her clothing as a bra, nicely frilly in design betrayed the warrioress's overall presentation. She looked like she was dressed to go out on a date. A date in combat. The monstrosities threw themselves at her. She was such a helpless little woman! She had to be saved! Nah! With a ferocity that was hidden beneath her demeanor, she cleaved through flesh and bone like it was nothing, blackened blood and guts flying with each hacking swipe of her axe. The confrontation was over in seconds. She planted her weapon upright onto the ground, leaning on it temporarily while looking at her left hand. Damn, she had broken a nail.