[@Ariamis] Yeah, sorry about that, I figured that I could make the character with the base number of systems, one of each, and if in the event I rolled high enough for a second secondary, then I would edit accordingly. Which I did, so I will need to get your approval on another secondary as well, which will be more of a secondary function of the GDA. [hider=GDA Gravity Bomb] [img]http://cld.goliath.com/image/upload/t_tn,f_auto,q_auto,$h_375,$w_1050/go/2015/09/Tesseract_ta-1050x375.png[/img] After allowing for a time to charge (how many turns, three?) the GDA is capable of emitting what is simply described as a gravity bomb. This bomb does little to no direct damage, but it draws everything in a radius (per your decision) towards it. It is primarily used to break up a defensive line, or to bring multiple aggressors together into one area, making area bombardment more efficient. The effect only lasts a short period of time (one turn, two turns?) before the intense gravity well dissipates and returns to normal. Due to the nature of this attack, it should be used with extreme caution due to the high risk of friendly fire and collateral damage. [/hider] Ok, I will change her name to Elizabeth, or El for short. As for the Orbital Defenders, that is an excellent question. I guess ultimately the whole thing is a collection of drones? The primary drone, the control unit, is a carrier for the three smaller drones who orbit the primary drone at a set distance. They emit a light in order to make it obvious that they are active. If that is acceptable, then I will edit it into the description. Edit: After thinking about it, that might be too powerful for a secondary. If you agree then I have another option. More or less an EMP railgun. Long range, single unit effective, launches an EMP device that incapacitates whatever machine it hits. Haven't come up with a fancy name or picture for it yet. Edit 2: It would look be called the Hoshizora (Star Daze), and it would look like this: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://img-new.cgtrader.com/items/690772/824b435178/rail-gun-rifle-3d-model-max-obj-fbx-mtl.jpg[/img][/hider] ... not that name and image matter for approval. Also, yes, I realize that there is a star in nearly everything I touch around here. Sorry, not sorry... about that.