[centre][img]https://fanart.tv/fanart/tv/74796/clearlogo/bleach-4dcff95072e2c.png[/img][/centre] Aight, I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for a long time and a strong desire to see a Bleach RP on the guild, but alas, my dreams have not come to fruition so I have decided to take matters into my own hand and construct what I have desired. The idea seems plenty promising to me and if it can garner enough interest, we could have a good thing going here so that’s why I decided to pop out this interest check. Just want to throw out that you do not have to know the anime much/whatsoever to participate. As long as you do a little research on the key concepts(e.g. the zanpakuto, guard squadrons etc. you'll be absolutely fine. The concepts within the anime are very easy to understand and follow so don't be frightened. I’m going to cover some key things then, so without further ado: [list] [*] I’m going to need a co-gm. I’ve gmed before and I’m positive that I’m good enough at it that I can make an interesting experience, but it is a matter of consistency. I’d like some help in the role so if you’re interested in helping me build the experience, let me know. [*] Storywise, this is troublesome given the context that Bleach is in. It has gone far beyond my comprehension within the manga so we’re going to pretend that everything after the Aizen arc never happened unless you’ve got some amazing character concept that requires a detail from what happens, in which case we’ll work something out. [*]As a whole, the Bleach universe is confusing given the lifespan of the characters, the sheer amount of filler, etc. Due to this, we will mostly be referring to the wiki/fan knowledge for anything that you need specifics on, but there is not going to be remaining characters from the anime within this RP. We’re going to see all of the events that happened previously in the anime as past events, and this as a new era if you will. However, the era that the human world is in is still in the same era for convenience and reasons that will be explained within the first post. [*]This is going to be a middle-casual level RP. Whilst this is the case, I want to see a high level of detail on the characters. This does not mean that I wish for you to write a novel, it merely means that I want you to explain everything that you can about your character in your sheet. Whether this is through a large amount of writing or concise details is up to you, but I want to see innovative characters. [/list] Now that the important points are covered, there’s not much to say. I’m going to leave the character sheet here so those who wish to work on their character can do so(but if you wish to do something that seems like it would be questionable, please do private message me beforehand so that you don’t waste your time writing a concept that won’t/can’t be approved.) [b]Name[/b]: (Doesn’t have to be Japanese) [b]Gender[/b]: Male or Female. [b]Age[/b]: (Include your visible age as well for clarity, given how long Shinigami live. [b]Appearance[/b]: (include a description if you want. It gives a better image of your character if your picture isn’t exactly what you had in mind. Height and weight would be nice to have as well) [b]Personality[/b]: (Be descriptive. Include your characters likes/dislikes/tendencies/traits/hobbies. Nothing is off limits here. What makes your character themselves?) [b]Biography[/b]: (At least 2-3 paragraphs minimum with enough detail. This should be about your characters life in the soul society/how they became a Shinigami) [b]Former Life[/b]: (I don’t expect a full backstory if you don’t wish to write one, but a short summary of what your character was before entering the soul society would be interesting to hear/valuable to the story) [b]Zanpakuto[/b]: (Here comes the fun part. The zanpakuto is the source of all Shinigami power, so write everything about it. Japanese names are recommended for these as English names don’t sound quite write in translation but tell us about it. Note that Shikai is the absolute limit that we’ll have for now, and even then I don’t really want to see the special abilities of the Zanpakuto available right away as that takes away from character development) [b]Abilities[/b]: (Give us a rundown. Is your character an expert swordsman, a kido master, a master of Shunpo. Try to leave some room for development.) [b]Weaknesses[/b]: (Everyone has their demons. What are they lacking ability in, what is the thing holding them back?) [b]Other[/b]: (Anything that my unnecessarily long sheet didn’t cover? Write it here!)