Here is Zeke :) [hider=Ezekiel Bracewell][b][u]Name[/u]:[/b] Ezekiel Bracewell [b][u]Age[/u]:[/b] 26 [b][u]Gender[/u]:[/b] Male [b][u]Appearance[/u]:[/b] [hider][img][/img][/hider] [b][u]Profession[/u]:[/b] Gladiator [indent][indent][color=silver][i]Arena fighters who battle for the entertainment of others. Some are valiant warriors who wish to gain glory and admiration through their daring performances. Some are prisoners, forced into death battles as punishment for their crimes. The rules of each battle vary depending on where it's held, but in general Gladiators can only fight with what's available to them in the arena. For this reason, they use a very brutal hand to hand combat style that includes reckless strikes, grappling and quick maneuvers. Gladiators are proficient in natural weapons as well as more basic Warrior Class weapons. They are proficient in light armor only.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Level[/u]:[/b] 1 [b][u]Exp[/u]:[/b] 0/12 [b][u]Weapon[/u]:[/b] Worn Cestus. [indent][indent][color=silver][i]Well used studded leather straps which wrap around ones hands. Stained with blood and sweat with visible tearing.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u]Armor[/u]:[/b] Fighter's Rags [color=silver][i][indent][indent]Filthy cotton trousers with a ragged, torn appearance. Held up at the waist by a tightly drawn sash of fabric. These rags provide no additional bonus to defenses, but also allow for complete freedom of movement.[/indent][/indent][/i][/color] [b][u]Accessory[/u]:[/b] Tear Pendant [indent][indent][color=silver][i]A nostalgic pendant made of Lapis Lazuli. Cut to resemble a teardrop. Grants +5 Mana.[/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [b][u]A-Ability[/u]:[/b] + Crushing Blow: Empowered strike with 110% ATK Potency. Reduces the targets DEF Stat by 10% for 3 turns. This effect can stack up to 3 times. Can be used during [b]Lock Up[/b]. Range: Adjacent Cell. Mana Cost: 6 MP. + Lock Up: Ezekiel grabs his target, giving them the [b]Grappled[/b] condition for 1 Turn. Ezekiel can maintain Lock Up for an extra turn for an additional Mana Cost. This can be done up to 2 additional turns for a potential total of 3 turns grappled. Maintaining the grapple counts as a movement action, and Ezekiel can make an attack against his grappled target in these extra rounds. Range: Adjacent Cell. Mana Cost: 8 Initial, 4 per round to maintain. [b]Grappled[/b]: Target is immobilized. Both the target and the assailant lose their Evasion Bonus while Grappled. An attempt can be made to escape the grapple at the cost of the targets movement action. This attempt has a 50% success chance. Successive attempts to escape a Grapple increase the success rate by 10%. Ezekiel can only grapple targets who are up to one size category larger than he is. Grappling larger enemies increases the success rate of them escaping the grapple up to 80%. [b][u]R-Ability[/u]:[/b] [b][u]S-Ability[/u]:[/b] + Thick Skin: Ezekiel's DEF Stat is increased by 15% when he is wearing light or no armor. [b][u]B-Ability[/u]:[/b] [b][u]D-Ability[/u]:[/b] + Giants Charge: Ezekiel rushes down an opponent in one direction, able to charge up to double his movement stat (4 Cells). This can be used on targets up to 2 size categories larger than he is. If he collides with his target, they become [b]Grappled[/b] and are pushed in the direction of Ezekiel's charge until the end of his movement. Any enemies in the way of the charge are pushed aside 1 Cell and take 50% ATK Damage. At the end of the charge, the grappled target is knocked [b]Prone[/b] for 1 turn and takes 150% ATK Damage. If Ezekiel charges his victim into terrain, they instead take 180% ATK Damage and are stunned for 3 turns. [b]Prone[/b]: Target is pushed to the ground, completely losing their Evasion bonus. Non-movement actions can be made while Prone with a 25% Chance of said action failing. [b][u]Stats[/u]:[/b] [b]HP:[/b] 25 [b]MP:[/b] 20 (+5 from Tear Pendant) [b]DD:[/b] 0/10 [b]Atk:[/b] 4 (+1 from Worn Cestus) [b]Def:[/b] 2 (+0 from Fighter's Rags) (+1 from Thick Skin) [b]Int:[/b] 1 (+0 from Worn Cestus) [b]Spr:[/b] 2 (+0 from Fighter's Rags) [b]Evade:[/b] 3% [b]Move:[/b] 2 (+1 from Gladiator Profession) [b][u]Skill Points[/u]:[/b] 0[/hider]