"Well, the staff will naturally be needed to open the portal, though I can use it to enhance the feather spell beforehand. I believe once I lighten the body, we should be able to move it together with our own magic." Meesei answered. Closing her eyes, Meesei concentrated on the staff to see if she could determine how much magicka was contained within, and if it would be enough to hold open such a large portal. Unfortunately, she was not near experienced enough with the staff to be able to tell with any degree of certainty. It simply felt like there was a lake of magicka within the weapon. Still, the portal could still possibly drain it dry. "I will cast the feather spell first. Let us see if we can lift the body together before I open the portal." She suggested. Holding the staff out in front of her, Meesei concentrated, pushing her alteration spell through the staff, and adding some of its power to it before projecting forth a white orb of glowing alteration magic. The spell hit the Dragon and immediately engulfed its entire body with a white glow. The glow lasted only a few seconds before dissipating, but the effect of the magic still remained. The Dragon's massive body, while still fairly heavy, was a great deal lighter than before, and given the strength of the spell, would be for some time. Right afterwards, Meesei held out a glowing violet hand towards the corpse. "Okay, help me see if we can lift it."