Right so how do you increase the percentage? Is it with a skill point? If so what is the rate? Also could you please mark some of status effects by the mana intensity? Like stuff insta-killing mooks is pretty obvious that it's gonna cost but other stuff is not that obvious you know? Is there a knockdown inducing option? That's always a solid low level effect although given the video game influences on the effect list it's more tabletop-y compared to them. I want to see my statblock and play the tutorial battle first before getting deeper with my comments and whatnot. Anyway the transformation ability seems better fitting as an ultimate over say being in a support slot. I'll probably change the support ability but I only did it because there wasn't any immediately obvious manner of like giving him a higher movement rate when I was doing his write-up. I will say that don't like how evasion is being handled, it's too rooted in the genre where evasion was an easy way to differentiate from your tank unit and squishier frontliners and also how these games create difficulty by combining RNG with stacking mechanics. Sure it's faithful to the genre, but the issue is now have various structural changes to keep in mind of. The addition of multiple players each controlling one character which they partially create and obviously playing on a forum instead of a video game changes this from being an electronic wargame into a RPG that happens to have a grid combat system. We're already able to prioritize what we want to be good at with regards to damage soaking and dealing when we spend our stat points during level ups, being able to do the same with dodging is doable and shouldn't cause any problem at all. Honestly I think it makes it less potentially broken; since it's no longer in a weird area where it's "balanced" by being a costly investment because if you get too high number you end up being able to trivialize combat.