Neil had to tell himself to keep his teeth closed and tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth. He'd seen more than one man bite off his own tongue from a rough landing, and seeing the pink organ on the floor of the [i]Highlander[/i] was not something he fancied thinking about. Once the ship had lunged out of the water, gaining buoyancy, he couldn't help but marvel yet again at the ship's design. Not many ships in the Imperium had the shape or density to land and remain safely in water. He opened one eye, and then another. Neil found himself strapped to the pilot's chair, and a heavily breathing Sayeeda next to him at her station. He couldn't help it, but he laughed. It was a slow bobbing of his head and chest and first, but it grew into a full blown laugh of triumph, until he ran out of breath and simply fell limp against the chair. It didn't have an entirely different feeling than the relaxed, loss of energy after sex. Well, they had survived. He guessed the universe wasn't done with him yet, or Sayeeda for that matter. "Oh man," he sighed, unbuckling his strap and standing up. He found the rough landing had him sore. [i]But then what doesn't make you sore these days[/i]? Neil leaned down, and flipped the switch on the display console, the power reading of the engines came up "------" which caused him to blink. Even if they had no power, it would have displayed a zero. "Guess that's going to need fixing, too." He said, having no idea if the anti-matter had given the engine a permanent kick like a car battery, or if it destroyed all of the power cores with its intense energy. He reached a hand down and helped Junebug out of her chair. Outside of the cockpit, it might not be civilization, but it certainly looked like a beautiful place to put a cabin in one of the richer areas of his homeworld. "Well that was a hell of a ride," Junebug said, her professional soldier's reserve evaporating for a moment. Neil winked. "Stick with me kid, you'll go far." he joked. The next order of business for him would be opening up the rarely used top hatch. In fact it had not been used since they fought the Xenonids on Fornax and the Knight had to make that daring escape attempt. Once Neil pulled himself up, he helps Junebug up as well. Not that she likely needed a hand, but he was her comrade after all. He stood tall atop the Xarconian metal of the ship, and he cracked his back with a stretch. "Man, it's good to be outta there!" He declared, feeling the clear, coastal air and the heat of the day pressing down. Behind them was a vast ocean, with only a few rocks jutting out of the horizon to give indication it wasn't infinite. Before them, a few dozen meters away was a shoreline, which quickly lead into a forested area full of coarse shrubs. Where in the hell were they? [@Penny]