[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=008080]William Harper[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-joToxLegqZk/UlP_OiXe43I/AAAAAAAAcfs/_sbEOs83YPQ/s400/Peinados+de+hombres+al+estilo+de+Christian+Bale-1.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=teal]Location:[/color][/b] Newhope - Lady Luck [hr][/center] [color=008080]"...Osiris..."[/color] repeated Harper. He shot a look toward Fitz that lasted for a only a fraction of a second; strangely, it looked like [i]pity[/i]. He immediately took a drink from his tall, frosty mug and quietly set it back onto the table, forcing his expression to remain neutral. He didn't even realize that he was tapping his nails on the edge of the table until he was five or six rotations in. He was right about the guy's speech - through the stuttering, it had a similar cultured inflection with which he had grown up, himself. The situation had some significance to the man. This was a naive engineer from Osiris, thrust into an uncaring universe with apparently zero social skills nor idea what horrifying possibilities awaited him. He seemed [i]exactly[/i] the type to get his intellectual curiosity piqued, leading him to trust the wrong person and get his guileless ass shoved into some dark, forgotten part of the 'Verse to rot until he finally manned up and started clubbing down the right people with a big fucking wrench before manufacturing a horrible, life-ending industrial accident and effecting a daring escape from a prison (that technically didn't exist), using the technological skills birthed of a superior Core World education. Not that he was projecting. Of course not. That would just be silly. Fitz didn't even look that much younger than Harper, though his demeanor might have suggested it. He was giving consideration to answering Fitz's return inquiry when Anisa leaned over and made her request, taking Harper up on his offer. It was probably for the best, both the fact that the Captain put in a hearty food request and that the subject had opportunity for change. Though it was the proper thing to do, Harper would rather not have answered the question of his origins anyway. It might lead to a conversation he didn't want to have concerning his background, and he'd rather not lie to him from the outset, particularly in front of his new crew this early in their association. Nodding, he locked eyes with a passing waitress and held his hand out to get her attention. Firmly but politely, he addressed their waitress, [color=008080]"Evening, ma'am,"[/color] motioning to the menu. [color=008080]"Alright, App platter, and go ahead and make it the [i]Jùxíng Xīniú Pìgu[/i][/color][sub]1[/sub][color=008080] sized one, we have others joining. [i]Baozi[/i] plates - two of them, one for me and one here..."[/color] he lightly tapped Anisa's shoulder, [color=008080]...and macaroons. Pomegranate."[/color] He gave a second's consideration and continued, [color=008080]"Oh, the Hot & Savory Cashews and Peanuts for me. And what the hell, upsize that [i]Baozi[/i]. It's been a while."[/color] That was an understatement. He handed over his menu to the waitress, then looked to Daphne, [color=008080]"Anything on the menu strike your interest?"[/color] [hider=Translations] 1 = Giant Rhino Ass [/hider]