Always good to have some sort of goal in mind for the future. I don't always set particular goals to be met as often as I should. But when I do, I get them done. I have some goals for the year already in mind. But just for the month, I suppose will be as follows... 1. Pay the absurd amount of bills I'm likely to receive soon. 2. Have everything settled and working in my new apartment. 3. Get my cat used to my new apartment, and set up vet apointment. 4. Either make my roleplaying 1x1 interest page and/or finish a chapter of my first attempt at long spanning fanfiction from a concept I've came up with. 5. At least attempt to hang with one of my friends. (so I don't spend the whole month alone at my apartment.) Edit: Well got #2, #3. and #5. out of the way.