Meesei kept her voice calm and patient. She did not acknowledge Sabine's apology, but instead immediately went to address her obvious doubt. "Breathe. Stay calm, and just try to focus on my words, okay?' To conserve her own magicka, Meesei stopped trying to lift the Dragon in earnest, and instead just continued to exert a small telekinetic force upon it. "Magicka, as you well know, is an integral part of our world. It flows into Mundas from the starts, permeates everything, interacts with everything. That includes the natural forces and laws that guide our existence. If you use your magic to sense those smallest of interactions, then you can feel those forces at work. We are always being pulled down towards the ground beneath us. It is a constant, overwhelming force, but a skilled mage can look even further. With great focus, concentration, you can feel that everything has the tiniest pull towards everything else. That is the basis of true telekinetic power. With alteration, you know how to make an object ignore that force pulling it down to the ground, but you can also amplify that pull to your advantage. You can shape, manipulate those natural tendrils of force in the world to amplify your telekinetic abilities..." The words Meesei were speaking were, almost verbatim, the same as those from a lesson Meesei had given to Sabine years prior, when she was still her apprentice. It was the same lesson in which Sabine, for the first time, was able to use the more powerful version of telekinesis that Meesei had adapted to combat, rather than just floating around objects. It was a lesson that Meesei remembered vividly, as it was a moment of significant pride for both herself and Sabine when she finally succeeded. Such complicated forms of magic were beyond the scope of many normal mages, so the fact that Sabine had succeeded was proof of her potential. Meesei's reason for bringing it up again now was not to just remind Sabine of how to perform telekinesis; she had mastered the spell a long time ago. Rather, Meesei's purpose was to bring Sabine's mind back to a more pleasant time, before all of the pain that was now haunting her. Meesei wanted to bring Sabine's mind back to that state of accomplishment and hopefulness that had once made her smile so widely, and doing it through the medium of magic, which Sabine understood so innately, seemed quite possible.