[hider=Aika Hirabayashi] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/1853/f/2013/104/0/2/random_drawing_using_procreate_by_mikeinel-d61ouzu.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Aika Hirabayashi [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Highly inadvisable [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Appearance:[/b] Aika is 170cm(5'8) tall and possesses a muscular build. [hr] [b]Previous Onmyouji?:[/b] Yes, for three years at the Obake shrine [b]Shikigami:[/b] -blank for now- [b]Sigil and Location:[/b] -blank for now- [b]Alignment and Fighting Style:[/b] [u][b][color=ed1c24]Yin – Fire[/color][/b][/u] For Aika, it is all about the up close and personal. Aika likes nothing more than to use her speed and power to pummel an enemy yokai into nothing but spiritual dust. Her style may lack finesse, but it has plenty of force to back it up. [b]Catalyst:[/b] [url=http://www.a1jewellers.com/images/upl/product/2016/26585/scaled/wm-1920x1920_bracelet_5_jpg_i1-1467802578.jpg] A bracelet.[/url] Aika hasn’t bothered to give it a name. [b]Team:[/b] -blank for now- [hr] [b]History:[/b] Aika comes from a mildly wealthy family, much to the contrary of her general image. As a teenager, she began to lose her way, and fell in with a rough crowd. She was the aimless type that couldn’t see any meaning in applying herself to studies or other causes, and so simply wasted time with her gathering of equally aimless friends. She caused her family no shortage of consternation back in the day, not only getting into trouble but raising serious questions over her ability to be a proper part of society in the future. They had hoped for a respectable daughter, and Aika was proving to be anything but. About four years ago, her group came under attack by a rogue spirit, which was defeated by Onmyoji from the Obake shrine before it could kill her. After a while of soul searching, Aika made up her mind to volunteer herself at the shrine, having found the cause she had always been lacking. She eventually discovered a talent for Onmyodo herself, and since then has been an Onmyoji at the Obake shrine. Her parents were delighted to find her finally doing something respectable, but they might be less so if they ever found out why she was really there. For Aika, it is enough to dedicate herself to a cause she finds worthy. [b]Personality:[/b] Aika is a largely stoic person, preferring not to waste words on small talk and banter. She has little tolerance for people horsing around in the middle of important business, and is likely to lose her temper at anyone taking things less than seriously when it counts. She often appears to be uncaring, but her entire motivation for getting into this way of life was to help people, and that’s what she does, even if she does it without a smile. It would be easy to think of Aika as joyless, but there are two great joys she partakes in at varying times. Aika loves to beat down rogue yokai, and is even partial to a good sparring bout, although she’ll make sure not to hit too hard against a friendly opponent. If she can’t find anything better to do, she’ll be found punching something, be it a training dummy or a hostile being. Her other great joy in life is alcohol, which is something of a bad habit she picked up in her wasteful days. Aika can knock them back like the best of them, and if she is joined in drinking, she will inevitably turn it into a competition. She tries not to drink before doing anything important. [b]Other:[/b] Pardon my spirits [/center][/hider]