[@Thinslayer][@Darkwatck01] Sykes' [i]facepalm[/i] was epic, as soon as he hit the street level, and checking his surroundings, found that the source of the communication was not there. Just a bunch of primitive automatons, hitting a bunch of primitives. He sighed, and looked at the road way back into the castle. "Come on, Reaps, really?" He rolled his eyes as he readied himself. After his exit amidst the confusion, he would have to face that King of MidHaven again. Still, a lead was a lead, after so long. It felt like dawn after a nigh eternal darkness. He was not alone, in the end. Two could do more than just one. He thought as he swiftly went back into the palace. Thankfully with the Golem ruckus, he didn't need to do anything special to run back into the throne room. As he puffed slightly, he stopped to oversee the scene. The King of Men and Vassals, and some sort of reptilian gross mutant. [i]Urk, I think someone has been all too happy with the biomods. That is [b]gross[/b].[/i] He thought to himself as he eyed the dragon-man with a profound scowl, as if he had just seen a roach in his food plate. What were they talking about? Oh yeah, flying scaly chicken, poor purty princesses kidnapped, yadda yadda. Mostly inconsequential really, if not for the robed figure on the middle. He advanced towards the Reaper, as he eyed the presents. "Princesses and Volcanoes. Mutants and kings. What the hell have you been doing all this time while i was struggling about, Reaps?" He addressed the Reaper, as he folded his arms, practically ignoring everyone else.