[center][h1][color=6a4830]Ethan Conrad[/color][/h1] [b]8:45 am[/b][/center] [hr] Ethan could tell he was getting looks from Kanako and even heard someone chortle a little. To prevent any further embarrassment, Ethan spent the rest of the class completely still while listening intently to everything Miss Catherine had to say. He really enjoyed having her as his homeroom, especially because he wouldn’t have even been there if it wasn’t for her. Which is why it bothered him to no end whenever he noticed his classmate Erwin sleeping. He thought of maybe shifting the floor under her desk to shake her awake, but of course he’d never do it. Besides, he knew one day she was going to miss something important and hopefully learn her lesson that way. Such as a mandatory test of ability at 4… Wait what? Before any other details were given, the bell rang and the students were told to head to gym. Well, hopefully there wasn’t going to be too much to this test. Upon him getting up to leave, his chair gave on last [i]SQUEAK[/i], prompting a mental note to bring some WD-40 next time. [center][b]9:00 am[/b][/center] After changing into a basic white t-shirt and gray gym shorts, Ethan hit the field to find he was among the few ready to go. Well, some of them were ready to go, Erwin was once again sprawled on the ground like a corpse. Did she even change into her gym clothes? Ethan was starting to wonder if this girl even wanted to be at this school. Oh well, if she flunked out then it wasn't any of his concern. As he walked passed he overheard Kanako talking about sharing a dorm with someone. That reminded him, he still didn't have a roommate in his dorm. He probably should talk to the faculty about it, but he was kinda enjoying having his own little place so he'd stay quiet for now. That was a matter for a different day. Right now he had gym class to deal with. Seeing as the class would start any minute now, Ethan figured it would be best to join Amelia and start stretching to warm up.