[@Spiffy][@AngelofOctober] [center][h2][color=green]HemoGoblin[/color][/h2][/center] First order of business would to cleanup Denver, especially the more shit looking neighbors. When their efforts were met and their merit paid off, he’d make every city look decent. Chicago would stop looking like a wretched mess because some shit with extra money decided the neighborhood didn’t need nice things. Everything would look architecturally beautiful. Leave it up to Art, and he’d have every city be enviro friendly. Turn the lights off by 8pm, if you’re taking a shower it shouldn’t run more than 5 to 6 minutes. No one in their goddamn right mind takes a 5 to 6 minute shower. He ignored his odd carbon footprint rules, sometimes, if he could escape them. But he bet Art’s future had gardens on the rooftops, and buildings that allowed wind to pass through. More aerodynamic. Sun powered cars and so and so forth. Not that he had a problem with any of those ideas. He had a problem when it haunted him and his way of life. Yes, this is what he was thinking about walking the beat. Because he wasn't the one with big elaborate plans. Sure he threw in his thoughts and two cents. But Art was better at the big planning, while he was good at the marketing side of things. As he continued to walk the block without much interaction, he was beginning to realize that if he went any further the damn radios wouldn’t work. No the first thing they needed was better tech once they started getting the connections they needed. A sudden explosion distracted him from his thoughts. Shit. Well at least their first day out was going to be eventful. Quickly doubling back and running, he found the alleyway marked with the Meat Space that they had split off from. He continued running till he took the corner Art had taken. Finally he found Art standing to another individual and the sounds of pew pew lasers in a building close by. Running to the two of them and catching his breath for a second, “What a run.” he said “I just love taking long runs through the ghetto.” He turns to Affliction. “Who’s the new friend?” he asked, then turns to the man smoking, “HemoGoblin, Master of the Fabulous.” he says with a bit of a laugh.