[b]Name:[/b] Gregor Ivanovich Novalev [b]Hometown:[/b] Boston, Massachusetts [b]Age:[/b] 22 [hider=Appearance][img=http://www.colourbox.com/preview/2340093-164144-motorcyclist-posing-near-his-motorbike.jpg][/hider] [b]Powers:[/b] Psionics (telepathy/telekinesis) [b]Occupation:[/b] Mechanic [b]Cause of Death:[/b] Killed in the crossfire of a skirmish between competing families. [b]Biography:[/b] After his family ran into some trouble in their hometown of Omsk, Gregor's father sent him and his younger sister, Darya, to live with their "uncle" Mikhail (really just a close friend from the father's childhood) in the States. Determined to ensure that his sister could finish her schooling through a good university, Gregor got Mikhail to get him a job at his body shop, though Mikhail was reluctant at first. He quickly proved himself as a valuable mechanic, with his knack for the inner workings of anything with an engine saving time on jobs that would have otherwise taken weeks to repair. Gradually, though, he began to see signs that not everything at the shop was exactly as it seemed. There were discrepancies in the paperwork, and even orders that would vanish altogether after just a couple of days. Apparently, a locally established family seemed to figure out that there was funny business going on in their backyard right around the same that that Gregor did, as, shortly thereafter, several cars pulled up in front of the shop right around closing time, and a group, led by a rather angry Irishman who stormed in to have words with Mikhail, stood around by their cars, waiting. At the sound of three quick gunshots, the Irishmen all reached into their cars and pulled out an arsenal of automatic weaponry, opening fire on the mechanics in the shop. After a few moments of chaos, all the mechanics, including Gregor, were dead on the floor, and the Irishmen got back into their cars and drove off. By the time Gregor came to, he was already in the morgue. The first thing he saw when he did wake up was the person on the slab next to his, but he could only stare in disbelief. When it finally sank in that he was looking at the corpse of his sister, he heard something best described as a cross between a scream and a roar (which he would later realize had come from him), and everything in the room exploded outward, away from him, before he passed out again, an image of the older Irishman burning in his mind's eye as morgue workers came to investigate the noise and found one of their "corpses" blacked out, but very much alive.