[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7a4Ws55.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171229/7bd3f15e1fc3967dd6294f06ede596bc.png[/img][/center] Of course there would be trouble if no one was there to watch them, half of them were just too different from the other half and one seemed to think that their position of power actually mattered where they were going… laughable really. Then again, it was only to be expected, she was nothing if not a royal and most royals believed that people should acknowledge their station in life. She was about to be severely disappointed, because where they were going, station did not matter as much as they did outside of the University. Everyone was entitled to respect from their fellow “classmates”, no matter what their original station was, they were all mages now. The Queen to be probably wouldn’t be an issue when it came to that, but the other’s would have to realize that ignoring anyone wouldn’t end well. Duels were encouraged in the place they were going, there were even grounds made specially for it. Sometimes you just had to fight to make friends. A ghostly laugh filled the air. [color=yellow]”Our dear children,”[/color] came a voice from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, [color=yellow]”I am so happy to see that you all came willingly, some needing a guide, which was to be expected, it was why we provided them.”[/color] It took a moment of looking around for them all to notice the cloaked figure that seemed to simply appear on the edge of the fountain just behind Lydrim, it’s body and face hidden by a hood. As ghostly as it was, the voice appeared to belong to a female, though it was impossible to tell for the time being. The figure made no move to pull down the large hood that covered it’s head and face, the only thing visible being the nearly glowing eyes that stared at them all. Those eyes showed a variety of different things, curiosity, wisdom, and a slight boredom were the most prominent. [color=yellow]”A Princess, noble, former slave, two outcasts and a warrior who has yet to realize that is not all she is,”[/color] the ghostly voice continued, the tone was a bit flat, but the interest was there, [color=yellow]”Interesting group this time around I must admit, should be fun. Now, I know all your names so I guess it is only proper for me to tell you my own. I am Aether, the Headmaster of the University you will be staying in. Keep in mind that this University is not a normal one, while we have teachers, you will be learning through doing rather than simply staring at books and sitting in a classroom.”[/color] A pale hand peaked out of the sleeves of the robe to pull down the hood, revealing the individual they were speaking with. It was, indeed, a female. Her skin was white, nearly translucent, and she wore a veil on the lower half of her face, leaving only her eyes to show any signs of expression. The horns on her head seemed to label her as a demon, but that was the only thing that pointed towards such a thing for the time being. After all, nothing else could be seen under the black cloth.