[@gohKamikaze] [i]But as if an omnipresent, perhaps even sentimental Deity suddenly felt a sense of pity for me, the radio crackled; not static, but a voice. Loud and clear, as if it was human. I rush to hear whatever civilized words emitting from the radio, frantically tuning it till I can hear the words; "Hello?". My heart jumps in ecstacy. Finally, another human being! I try to respond to the voice, but my time in isolations has dried my throat. Or is it the dreadful sense of primal fear that has made me forget how to speak? Regardless, I only manage to utter gutteral sounds, nothing coherent. That was when I remembered. I had eaten my own tounge after the diabolic ritual to cast away the demon, which failed. And then I remembered something else. The radio had been broken for hours. It couldn't possibly recieve any signal. So who was calling me?[/i]