[quote=@Metamore] The [i]Girafarig[/i] spun around just in time to see Olotah's light show. With a bit of its Power drained, Rin fingers twitched over their pokéball belt. They knew Olotah didn't have the raw power or STAB to really face The Long Neck Pokémon, but Anusobeket definitely wasn't in any condition to fight. So Rin had two options: Keep using Olotah, and hope to get off at least one more decent attack at the risk of Olo fainting, and thus having the [i]Girafarig[/i] flee; [i]or[/i] Rin could send out Osajyin who had both the power and STAB, but risked knocking out the [i]Girafarig[/i]. It felt like an impossible choice. [I][color=rosybrown]'What should I do? I need to think quick,'[/color][/i] Rin thought as they watched the wild pokémon started to back off. [I][color=rosybrown]'If only I had Quick B- that's it!'[/color][/i] Rin snatched the Standard Pokéball from their belt, and pulled back their arm and leg in a perfect pitcher's pose. [Color=rosybrown]"Oh no, you don't! I've been waiting for this day since I was seven!"[/color] Without another word the Trainer vigorously threw the pokéball at the slightly weakened [i]Girafarig[/i] across the hill. Both of them at near equal strength, it was as fair of a fight either of them were gonna get. Rin just hoped fate was in their favor. The leveling at least was. [/quote] Rin's Pokeball came flying toward Girafarig. With a sharp pop, it opened up and pulled the long necked Pokemon inside. The ball began to shake. Once.... ....Twice.... .......Thrice.... POP! The ball popped back open. Girafarig looked stunned. What had just happened? He would have to be even more careful now... Result: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/5001]Not Quite[/url] [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Girafarig escapes. Rin has one Pokeball left, and the wild Pokemon still has [b]6 Power[/b]. [/hider]