After watching a review of the seriously disappointing “The Last Jedi” in which the guy said that he refuses to accept anything after Ep 3 I realized that the prequel didn’t exactly fit with the established lore either. So, I would like to try and reboot the prequels with some lore that fits the original films a bit better. Everything from Ep 1 forward is not cannon as far as this RP is concerned. Unfortunately, this includes KOTOR. I may use elements from the other films/ games/ EU though. Midiclorians: Bacteria which have a symbiotic relationship with most Sapient species in the galaxy. They feed on natural neurotransmitters and nutrients from the host’s blood and can metabolize the Force energy in the their body. In exchange, they release chemicals into the host’s body which lets them metabolize the Force as well. This allows people who can use the Force to restore their own biological energy from the Force, giving them enhanced stamina. The Midiclorian levels in the bloodstream is a good indicator of the levels of the neurotransmitters which alter brain development to cause Force Sensitivity, so a simple count is a good basic indicator of a being’s relative natural Force connection. The Force: A scientifically verifiable phenomenon which exists in a layer of subspace near this universe. All living beings have natural biological energy. Upon death, most of these races release this energy into a nearby level of subspace. This energy blends together to form a quasi-sentient, quasi-sapient energy Field known as The Force. Some people, known as Force Sensitives, have a natural ability to connect to the Force while still alive, allowing them to transfer energy from The Force to themselves or their environment. This natural ability can be synthetically introduced to prepubescent or embryonic beings which are not Force Sensitive through the introduction of a synthetic version of the neurotransmitters which cause Force Sensitivity to develop in Force Sensitivities. Purely artificial means of tapping into the Force have been under research for over twenty thousand years, but no one has yet fully succeeded. [hider=The Nations of the Galaxy] The Republic: An alliance of almost a million worlds in the Core and Mid-rim regions, they have existed for almost twenty thousand years. The Sith Empire: An Empire of worlds in the outer rim. They have been at war with the Republic several times, yet were forced to surrender in the last war 1000 years ago when their Emperor, the last fully trained Force user in the Empire, was killed by a Republic strike force. They rely heavily on the Dark Side of the Force and are currently in a state of cold war with the Republic. The Confederacy of Independent Systems: An alliance of worlds in the mid and outer rim. They utilize droids for many menial jobs, unlike the Republic which heavily regulated the use of droids in most industries. They have a very strong economy which can compete with the more numerous and more densely populated Republic. The Hutt Systems: A collection of poorer worlds in the outer and mid rim which are under the control of the Hutt clan. They tend to be technologically inferior to other, richer worlds. These worlds tend to be ruled by a single Lord which has absolute control over the world or system. They are common locations for what are criminal activities in other nations, being heavily reliant on slavery, smuggling, and drug trades. [/hider] The Jedi Order: A Force using group in the Republic government, they work to stop threats to the republic and its citizens, relying on what they call “the Light side of the Force.” This Light Side is largely concerned with helping others at the expense of self. The Jedi have three branches. The Guardians, under Master Mace Windu, work as police and security, fighting threats directly. The Sentinels, under Master Yoda, work as an intelligence agency, looking for criminal and Dark Side activity and working “behind the scenes” to end them. The Consulars, under Master Qui-Gon Jinn, work as diplomats and advisers, working to prevent crime, war, and injustice from arising. [hr] [color=Yellow][center] There is civil unrest on the mid rim world of Naboo. The planet has been in an economic depression due to price decreases in the rare metals and spice which is mined in the Naboo system, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems has used the situation to spread propaganda among the citizens, seeking to convince the system to join them. Jedi Master Yoda, head of the Jedi Sentinels, has sensed a dark side plot in the system and sent his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi with Jedi Master Qui-gon Jinn, head of the Jedi Consulars, as he travels to Naboo to seek a solution to this problem. [/center] [/color]