Excellent, I'll start writing up the OP. In the meantime, here's a [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WQNrcE2HTbZ20jcarrLddE9lc3s6VlaoIHPZPBFxwjc/edit]character sheet[/url] and an [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tLzfIqTvklZcSqNGcCQBinwg3dK_Rep662-jFCx4qnE/edit]example character[/url]. PM them to me when you're finished. And, as promised, template equipment: [hider=Weapons] Dagger [1d4 Piercing B DEX C SPD] [list] [*] Requires 5 STR, 6 DEX [*] +2 SPD, +0 ACC [*] Crit mod is 2.0x instead of 1.5x [*] A simple dagger. [/list] Parrying Dagger [1d4 Piercing C DEX D SPD] [list] [*] Requires 5 STR, 8 DEX [*] +2 SPD, +0 ACC [*] +1 AC when not used to attack [*] A simple dagger. [/list] Boarding Axe [1d4 Slashing C STR D SPD] [list] [*] Requires 7 STR, 7 DEX [*] +2 SPD, +0 ACC [*] A small, lightweight axe often used on naval vessels. [/list] Club [1d3 Bludgeoning B STR] [list] [*] Requires 5 STR, 8 DEX [*] +1 SPD, +0 ACC [*] A primitive club. [/list] Shortsword [1d8 Slashing D STR C DEX D SPD] [list] [*] Requires 5 STR, 9 DEX [*] +1 SPD, +0 ACC [*] A plain shortsword. [/list] Rapier [1d10 Piercing E STR B DEX E SPD] [list] [*] Requires 5 STR, 13 DEX [*] +0 SPD, +2 ACC [*] An elegant rapier. Difficult to use accurately. [/list] Longsword [1d10+2 Slashing C STR C DEX] [list] [*] Requires 9 STR, 9 DEX [*] +0 SPD, +1 ACC [*] Can switch to 1d6 Piercing damage [*] A standard, versatile longsword. [/list] Battle Axe [1d10+2 Slashing B STR E DEX] [list] [*] Requires 11 STR, 8 DEX [*] +0 SPD, +0 ACC [*] A long, hardy axe. [/list] Warhammer [1d8+2 Bludgeoning B STR E DEX] [list] [*] Requires 11 STR, 7 DEX [*] -1 SPD, +0 ACC [*] A moderately-sized warhammer; effective against armor. [/list] Mace [1d6 Bludgeoning B STR] [list] [*] Requires 10 STR, 5 DEX [*] -1 SPD, +0 ACC [*] A mace; difficult to wield, but very easy to use. [/list] Greatsword [2d6+3 Slashing C STR B DEX] [list] [*] Requires 12 STR, 10 DEX, 12 END [*] -1 SPD, +0 ACC [*] Can switch to 1d10 Piercing damage [*] Two-handed [*] A greatsword. Notoriously difficult to use. [/list] Greataxe [1d12+2 Slashing A STR] [list] [*] Requires 13 STR, 7 DEX, 13 END [*] -2 SPD, -1 ACC [*] Two-handed [*] A monstrously-strong, cumbersome axe. Highly effective against unarmored targets. [/list] Maul [2d6+4 Slashing B STR E DEX] [list] [*] Requires 14 STR, 6 DEX, 13 END [*] -3 SPD, -1 ACC [*] Two-handed [*] An unremarkable—if heavy—two-handed steel warhammer. [/list] Spear [1d8 Piercing C STR C DEX] [list] [*] Requires 10 STR, 10 DEX [*] -1 SPD, +0 ACC [*] +2 AC versus weapons smaller than a two-hander or a polearm [*] A long spear; good for keeping shorter weapons at bay. [/list] Halberd [2d6+1 Slashing B STR D DEX] [list] [*] Requires 12 STR, 10 DEX [*] -2 SPD, +0 ACC [*] +2 AC versus weapons smaller than a two-hander or a polearm [*] Two-handed [*] A long halberd; strong and protective. [/list] Quarterstaff [1d3 Bludgeoning A STR C DEX] [list] [*] Requires 10 STR, 10 DEX [*] +1 SPD, +0 ACC [*] +1 AC [*] Two-handed [*] A staff-like length of wood. Alarmingly deadly, for what it is. [/list] Shortbow [4d2 Slashing A DEX] [list] [*] Requires 6 STR, 9 DEX [*] +2 SPD, -1 ACC [*] Fires arrows [*] Two-handed [*] A short, easily-drawn bow. [/list] Longbow [5d3 Piercing D STR B DEX] [list] [*] Requires 9 STR, 12 DEX [*] -1 SPD, +1 ACC [*] Fires arrows [*] Two-handed [*] A powerful wooden longbow. [/list] Light Crossbow [6d2 Piercing E DEX] [list] [*] Requires 10 STR, 6 DEX [*] -2 SPD, +0 ACC [*] Fires bolts [*] Reloading takes one action [*] Two-handed [*] A lightweight crossbow used by infantrymen. [/list] Heavy Crossbow [10d2 Piercing E DEX] [list] [*] Requires 14 STR, 12 END, 8 DEX [*] -4 SPD, +0 ACC [*] Fires bolts [*] Reloading takes one action [*] Two-handed [*] A heavy crossbow for use in sieges. [/list] Flintlock Pistol [18 Bludgeoning E SPD] [list] [*] Requires 14 DEX [*] +1 SPD, +3 ACC [*] Fires musket balls and gunpowder [*] Reloading takes two actions [*] A primitive gun; pierces most armor. [/list] Iron Arrow [1d2 Piercing] [list] [*] Ammunition (Arrow) [*] Damage type overridden by ranged weapon [*] A bog-standard arrow. [/list] Iron Bolt [1d2 Piercing] [list] [*] Ammunition (Bolt) [*] Damage type overridden by ranged weapon [*] Crossbow ammunition. [/list] Musket Ball [Not Offensive] [list] [*] Ammunition (Musket Ball) [*] A small metal ball used in conjunction with black powder in firearms. [/list] Wand [Not Offensive] [list] [*] Requires 10 DEX, 10 INT [*] +2 SPD, -1 ACC [*] Viable Catalyst [*] A nimble wooden wand that offers faster spellcasting. [/list] Staff [1d3 Bludgeoning C STR E DEX D INT] [list] [*] Requires 8 STR DEX, 8 DEX, 10 INT [*] -1 SPD, +3 ACC [*] Viable Catalyst [*] An accurate magical staff. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Armor] Your chararacter has four equip regions: head, hands, feet, and body (arms+torso+legs). A given piece of armor may occupy one or more of these regions. Note that this only contains things your fresh adventurer could reasonably afford (so, not platemail) and doesn’t contain things that have minimal benefit and are too weak to provide AC (leather caps, etc.). Since there’s overlap with your character appearance here, this is intentionally pretty bare; just try to match stats, slots, and material composition roughly with what’s here. Leather Armor [+1 AC, Body] [list] [*] Hardened leather armor. Not particularly protective, but it doesn’t restrict movement. [/list] Leather Gloves [+0 AC, Hands] [list] [*] +1 ACC to melee attacks [*] Leather gloves. Helps with gripping a weapon in the heat of combat. [/list] Fur Armor [+2 AC, Body, Feet] [list] [*] Minor cold resist [*] -1 AC from SPD [*] Thick fur armor and boots that keep cold at bay. [/list] Scalemail [+3 AC, Body] [list] [*] -1 AC from SPD [*] Bronze scales affixed to leather armor. [/list] Scale Padding [+1 AC, Hands, Feet] [list] [*] Leather bracers and boots covered in bronze scales. [/list] Chainmail [+4 AC, Body] [list] [*] -3 AC from SPD [*] Stealth penalty [*] Minor slashing resist [*] An expensive chainmail hauberk. [/list] Chainmail Coif [+1 AC, Head] [list] [*] -1 AC from SPD [*] A hood made from chainmail. [/list] Steel Cap [+2 AC, Head] [list] [*] -1 AC from SPD [*] An open-faced sallet made from tempered steel. [/list] Steel Gauntlets [+1 AC, Hands] [list] [*] -1 AC from SPD [*] Steel hand protection. [/list] Steel Boots [+1 AC, Feet] [list] [*] -1 AC from SPD [*] Steel hand protection. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Weapon Scaling Bonuses] For Stats besides Strength: E: 0-13: +0 14-18: +1 19-23: +2 D: 0-12: +0 13-16: +1 17-20: +2 21-24: +3 C: 0-10: +0 11-13: +1 14-16: +2 17-19: +3 20-22: +4 B: 0-9: +0 10-11: +1 12-13: +2 14-15: +3 16-17: +4 18-19: +5 20-21: +6 A: 0-9: +0 10:+1 11-12: +2 13:+3 14-15: +4 16:+5 17-18: +6 19:+7 20-21: +8 For Strength: E: 00-12: +0 13-16: +1 17-20: +2 21-24: +3 D: 0-11: +0 12-14: +1 15-17: +2 18-20: +3 21-23: +4 C: 0-9: +0 10-11: +1 12-13: +2 14-15: +3 16-17: +4 18-19: +5 20-21: +6 B: 0-9:+0 10:+1 11-12:+2 13:+3 14-15:+4 16: +5 17-18:+6 19: +7 20-21: +8 A: 0-9:+0 10:+1 11: +2 12-13:+3 14:+4 15:+5 16-17:+6 18:+7 19:+8 20-21: +9 [/hider] For reference, since I didn't include it in the interest check: "readied" weapons are weapons that are accessible on your person (e.g. a sheathed sword) but not being wielded. Readied weapons impose half their SPD penalty rounded down if they have one (daggers don't grant speed bonuses if you glue them to you, and any weapon with a -1 SPD modifier doesn't slow you). You can switch from a held weapon to a readied weapon as a free action but you suffer a -2 AC penalty that turn. You can attack with two weapons at once, imposing a -4 AC penalty that turn. If your weapons have SPD penalties, all are applied; if your weapons have SPD bonuses, only the lowest bonus is used. SPD modifiers on weapons don't impact AC gained from SPD. One last thing: do people want their character sheets to be private or public to the rest of the group?