Once the shuttle touched down Leia helped R2-D2 and C-3PO get in the back seat of the hover car then got in the driver's seat. That left room for one more beside her. She drove the hover car off the shuttle. Leia drove up to the dock worker demanding fees. She handed him the 100 credits. "There is another 100 in it for you if you can tell me where to find Obi-Wan Kenobi." The dock worker took the 200 credits. "You can find an Old Ben Kenobi roughly 130 some kilometers from the Lars homestead, the last moisture farm before the Dune Sea." He then pointed in the direction of the Lars homestead. Leia noticed a blue skinned female eying her. "C-3PO what species is that?" C-3PO informed her the woman was a Squamatan. "Keep the fact I am a Imperial Senator quite. You know the whole enslavement thing."