[center][h1][color=Goldenrod] Noah Griffin [/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] For several moments, Noah’s discomfort stirred in his core. The way she stared drew his awareness to the surface until it was almost suffocating. His head leaned back instinctively before Vae’s arms whipped out then shoved him backward. The action caught him off guard as he took a step back, his arms raised were she could see them. [color=goldenrod] “Whoa, whoa, what’s the big idea shoving me?!?”[/color] His words demanded. His eyes tightened in suspicion while Noah’s feet tried to find purchase upon the slick, wet surface. However, the stone refused to grip his soles. He just kept slipping farther back. His weight tossed forward to catch his balance, his aim was to prevent himself from falling on his ass. Or worse, into the nearby bath. Unfortunately, he didn’t count on his shirt back being grabbed. The tug was enough to tip the only balance he had gained. Noah’s weight shifted backward, his knee twisted underneath him and crumbled promptly. The bath rose into his peripheral vision as he began to fall to it. The edge clipped his leg side when he went down. His hands reached out but fell short of taking Vae with him. Breath was knocked out of his chest upon impact, water filled the void left behind. A small yell drowned under the shallow edge’s surface. A loud crack was heard when Noah’s temple hit the stone edge. Panic filled his mind as he rose to the surface, coughing the water from his lungs.Water cascaded around his figure while he attempted to regain his calm. His back was facing Yin, unaware or caring of the kitsune’s presence. Noah’s eyes scrunched up into pain, trying to focus past it. A warm, thick sensation trailed down his temple. Droplets scattered the water’s surface before the sting nailed into his skull, flaring in pain. Instinctively, Noah lifted his fingers to his temple. They came away red. Sore and dizzy, he carefully tried to pull himself back upright. Vertigo hit him like a train dead on, Noah’s sense of balance became lopsided bring him down. His arm snapped out to brace using the bath’s edge. [color=goldenrod] “Shit…”[/color] Noah cursed under his breath.