[@TheUnknowable] Would you allow a guy to be a formally untrained but strongly gifted darksider from outer rim worlds whose worldview is heavily centered around passion and conflict as the driving powers behind everything in the world? A sort of otherwise-aimless warrior-poet that fucks around the galaxy specifically in search of conflicts and dangerous confrontations to participate in because it is only the mortal danger and the exhilarating desperation of one's unwillingness to die that can push a person above and beyond his usual capabilities. I kind of like the whole Force thing a lot as a concept, but the strict and formalized and kiiind of hypocritical in its attitude. The Dark Side appeals to me more due to the driving forces behind it being much more proactive and direct and emotional. Also, I'd like to have a sword that is just a chunk of sharp psychoreactive obsidian or metal through which I channel my sheer passion and desire for violence, to such a degree that it becomes lightsaber-proof and capable of cutting no worse than one.