To save their own magicka reserves, Meesei acted quickly once they had the Dragon in the air. She drew from the magicka in the staff to create a portal of usual size in just a matter of seconds in front of the Dragon. Then, came the process of expanding it, which was quite mentally taking for Meesei, requiring the whole of her concentration. Not only did she have to expand and maintain the portal, but she had to do so while continuing to levitate the dragon. It was not her own magicka going into the portal, but her mind was still required to shape and direct it. As the violet, glowing portal grew larger and larger, the amount of magicka needed to sustain it grew exponentially. Meesei had never so much as attempted to create a portal of that size before, so even she had not anticipated exactly what would be required. The magicka cost seemed to be proportional to the volume of the portal, rather than its radius. It gave her a lot to theorize about later, but for now, she just had to focus on keeping it stable. Even without examining it in detail, Meesei could feel the power draining from the staff. This was the kind of spell that could quickly diminish even the massive amount of power that the staff was capable of containing. It could allow a mage to accomplish impressive feats, but it was not limitless. Nevertheless, she was able to make it just large enough that the Dragon seemed like it would fit through. "Okay, let us push it through. Once it is through, we need to follow it quickly. I do not know how long I can keep this open." As she finished speaking, Meesei gave direction to her telekinesis spell, tugging the Dragon forward. Slowly, it disappeared into the portal, emerging and falling to the ground at her chosen destination. The moment she could no longer feel any part of it left for her telekinesis to grasp, she rushed through the portal as well, and held it open for as long as was needed for Sabine to follow her. The place that Meesei had selected as the destination for the portal was not just near the Silent City, it was [i]in[/i] the Silent City. Specifically, she had selected one of the few courtyards that was large enough, and empty enough to be able to fit the Dragon's corpse. It was usually used for training among the clan's warriors, but since it was late, the only people present were some warriors, hunters, and scouts that had been using it as a space to relax. Naturally, they had cleared out of the center of the courtyard when the portal appeared. So, when Meesei and Sabine stepped through, they would find themselves surrounded on all sides by onlookers staring in varying degrees of amazement, and speaking in hushed voices to one another. By simple coincidence, Rhazii, and the scouting party he was apprenticed to, were among those in the courtyard, after having returned from their patrol. The portal closed shut behind them almost immediately, and Meesei could easily notice the difference in how much power remained in the staff.