[center][h3][color=crimson][b]Tholl[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=crimson]"What?"[/color] The single word echoed with a dull base through the nearly vacant classroom as the speaker looked through eyes not her own and viewed the opening ceremony from the perspective of a colloquially named 'Daddy Long Legs' standing primly among the rafters. Such a stunned utterance came from sudden declaration that classes were waved away for the first day, causing Tholl to glare at her neatly ordered folder of print outs with a mixture of disdain and abject exhaustion. [color=crimson]"I got myself sicced up for nothing. Scholastic blue balls on the first day."[/color] With a groan from both chair and occupant she tossed the folder into a desk drawer and departed the classroom, finding the traffic of students to be less energized then when they were rushing off to meet deadlines. Trundling along amidst the blobs of chattering students she followed her nose where many were already destined and slipped into the cafeteria in the hopes of finding something to occupy her time. Or more accurately, she carried through the [i]motions[/i] of such a search, when in reality she knew quite well who she was seeking. Side stepping past the doorway she pressed herself to the wall and come shoulder to shoulder with a refined maid- Well, elbow to shoulder, if Tholl were to account for Lotte's stature. Even with such an anachronistic attire and the sheer scale of the burden affixed to her back, the Kitsune was an ideal servant, imposing an aura that told anyone without an existing fetish to ignore the help and carry on with their day. [color=crimson]"Wonderful job here as usual, Lotte. My spiders could hardly spin a strand without being dusted to death."[/color] Tholl said with a nudge and a smirk, her tone amused and without heat to it. [color=crimson]"Don't suppose you prepared anything for carnivores on a liquid diet, did you? Fruit smoothies are all well and good, but what I wouldn't give for some yummy Youkai about now. Maybe I could have a nibble of you, aye?"[/color]