Looking over she saw a dock worker demanding the customary fee however she expected the Hutt’s would want to take their own fee. It was hard to hear what she was saying to the dock worker so Zenobia was able only able to hear was the dock worker saying something about Old Ben Kenobi. He was a hermit who Zenobia knew of. She wondered if he had any relation to Obi-Wan Kenobi who Zenobia had thought against during the Clone Wars. In any case it didn’t matter at all as all Zenobia had to do was get the woman to hire her and Zenobia was sure she could be of use helping the woman avoid the more dangerous parts of Tatooine. It was at this point the lady said something to her about her being an Imperial Senator and wanting to keep a low profile due to the Empire’s enslavement policy for aliens. Stepping closer so no one could overhear “don’t worry I and most others with brain know you Senators have little say in what happens. However you could probably use some extra protection anyway, also I can help you avoid most of the dangerous parts of Tatooine if your heading out to Old Ben. All I ask is maybe you give me a lift on your ship?”. [@Burning Kitty]