[CENTER][img]https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/68/67/49/500_F_168674945_CJoWr0EhUYKxDo4r4pkwDtEznaGNUn8X.jpg[/img][/CENTER][h3]House Information[/h3][hr][hider=My Hider][indent] [b]Synopsis[/b] [indent][color=gray]House Nymeros Martell are the descendants of the union of the Rhoynar and Westerosi Dornish kings. They are the most powerful house in Dorne, and due to their lack of direct involvement in the War of Five Kings and minimal support in the apocalyptic struggle against the supposed Others they did not have need to rebuild or repopulate by any margin. Despite longstanding rumors that they can field 50,000 troops they are likely much closer to 40,000. House Martell itself can personally summon around 6,000 at maximum capacity without calling for the aid of their vassals.[/color][/indent] [b]Head of House[/b] [indent][color=gray]Princess Ashara Nymeros Martell[/color][/indent] [b]Seat[/b] [indent][color=gray]Sunspear[/color][/indent] [b]Demesne[/b] [indent][color=gray]House Nymeros Martell has been the reigning rulers of the shores of Dorne since Nymeria conquered the petty kings over four hundred years ago. Notable bannermen include houses Yronwood, Dayne, Fowler, Blackmont, Dalt, Uller, Qorgyle, Santagar, Wyl, and Allyrion. [u][b]Current Lords of Note include:[/b][/u] [sub][color=white][b]Lord Trebor Allyrion[/b][/color], an aged lord of four-and-fifty, whom has ties with Tyene Martell. [color=white][b]Lady Jayne Blackmont[/b][/color], an experienced woman of nine-and-thirty. [color=white][b]Lord Nymor Dayne[/b][/color], a young lord of thirty and Ashara's maternal cousin. [color=white][b]Lady Deria Gargalen[/b][/color], a ruling lady of three-and-fifty, whom has ties with Morion Martell through her second-born daughter and one of his sons. [color=white][b]Lord Stannis Fowler[/b][/color], an aged lord of one-and-fifty who is married to Tyene Martell. [color=white][b]Lord Beric Jordayne[/b][/color], a prickly and pious man of eight-and-forty. Once desired Thalina Dayne in her youth. [color=white][b]Lord Arthur Manwoody[/b][/color], a newly appointed lord of seven-and-twenty. His wife is the daughter of Tyene Martell. [color=white][b]Lady Coryanne “Cory” Qorgyle[/b][/color], newly succeeding her father at six-and-thirty, a shrewd businesswoman and politician. [color=white][b]Lady Alyse Toland[/b][/color], a young woman of four-and-thirty; a loyal and skilled ruler of her lands. [color=white][b]Lord Qoren Uller[/b][/color], a middle-aged lord whose daughter is married to Ashara's brother and heir. [color=white][b]Lord Oberyn Vaith[/b][/color], a old lord of six-and-sixty. [color=white][b]Lord / Lady Wyl[/b][/color], to be determined. [color=white][b]Lord Yronwood[/b][/color], to be determined by a player proposal. [/sub][/color][/indent] [b]Recent History[/b] [indent][color=gray]What has occured in your house's history in recent years?[/color][/indent] [b]Realm Relations[/b] [indent][color=gray]What are the established perceptions and alliances between your house and others in the realm?[/color][/indent] [b]Storyline Premise[/b] [indent][color=gray]Ashara Martell is the strongest personality in Dorne. It’s a problem. The ruling princess of Dorne has ruled carefully for the last fourteen years of her life. The gossip created from her sexual declaration has caused tensions with the faith and her boldly refusing marriage on-top of that has made things in Sunspear pretty dangerous. Her late father, one of three triplets, left a stagnant Dorne for his daughter and it doesn’t take a fool to see the threats. Ashara’s aunt, Tyene, thinks little of Ashara’s boldness and is slowly positioning herself with allies. Tyene’s brother, Morion, is even more ambitious despite having less clout with Dornish great houses; but with his heir’s marriage to a dynasty in Volantis he may have other means of validating his claim. Ashara’s mother, Thalina Dayne, warns that Dorne may have a civil war if Ashara cannot compromise with the ambitions of her kinsmen. How Ashara actually takes to her mother’s advice could change the entire situation in Dorne as the hottest summer continues to appear like it is driving more-and-more dornishmen mad. It is a curious situation. [/color][/indent] [/indent] [/hider][h3]Character Information[/h3][hr][hider=POV #1: Princess Ashara][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9c/c8/81/9cc8816b822b1b40f5540f22d2980dc3.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][color=878787][color=white][b]Identity[/b][/color][indent]Princess Ashara Nymeros Martell [/indent] [color=white][b]Age[/b][/color][indent]28 [/indent] [color=white][b]Role[/b][/color][indent]Princess of Dorne Lady of Sunspear [/indent] [color=white][b]Characterization[/b][/color][indent]Ashara Martell has always been an opinionated, ambitious woman. When she was raised as the ruling princess of Dorne follower her father’s death she was only a few days short of the fourteenth anniversary of her nameday. This early appointment in her life turned what was a fussy and loud young girl into a young woman of defiance and strength. The Dornish Princess’s reputation is defined by her strong personality and her refusal to abide by what the lords of the realm think is acceptable. Rumors about Dornish sexualities and frivolities have always been a thing in Westeros, but Ashara has been the first ruler of Dorne to publically admit that she has no interest in marrying and that her sexual preference is openly in the same sex as she is. Rumors about who her sexual partners have been have plagued her since her nonchalant public admittance, especially considering the fact she has strong friendships with a variety of prominent young women of powerful houses. However, while Ashara is bold to make such a declaration she understands how politics work in not only Dorne but the rest of Westeros. She has no issue with her brother Arron serving as her heir apparent as long as he accepts that for the time being she will stand as the ruler of Sunspear and the lands under the Dornish sun. However, things are not so simple in the shadows of Sunspear. Ashara siblings may be loyal and accommodating to her rule, but the dangers of Morion and Tyene Martell’s own ambitions are clear. Despite cherishing her as a child, Ashara’s aunt and uncle have their own preconceptions of how Dorne should be ruled and of Ashara’s personality flaws. The ruling princess of Dorne looks at her aunt and uncle as well as other distant kinsmen as potential threats, though it is as her mother told her when she was only thirteen years past her day of birth: trust no one, not even your own family. It is with this that Ashara keeps uncle Morion and aunt Tyene at arm’s length. They are viable allies as much as they are disturbing threats. Though, as far as the realm can tell Sunspear’s most powerful Martell’s are not enemies or even rivals; even if whispers of their right of rule come up from time-to-time. The truth is often concealed in Dorne. Beyond her boldness and cautious appraisal of her aunt and uncle, Ashara is most notably kind, patient, and socially conscious. She knows how to use her innate beauty to her advantage just as much she knows how to use coinpurses to change the course of action. People gravitate towards the princess, though her open homosexuality makes the Faith notoriously disappointed and irate. At the end of the day, the general perception of Ashara is positive albeit less so behind closed doors where the lords of Westeros can talk behind her back and speculate what her true affiliations are. But where does the line between gossip and truth persist? [/indent] [color=white][b]Attributes & Talents[/b][/color][indent]Ashara’s principal skills lies in her political awareness, clout with the smallfolk, diplomatic acumen, and strong sensibilities on the nature of politics. She’s undeniably beautiful, perhaps one of the fairest in Westeros, and often she uses her magnetic appearance to her advantage. Despite the burning hot summer in Dorne, Ashara has perhaps the most stable kingdom in all of the seven of Westeros. [/indent] [color=white][b]Immediate Family[/b][/color] [indent]The eldest child of [b]Quentyn Martell[/b] and [b]Thalina Dayne[/b], Princess Ashara is the eldest of the pair’s four offspring. Her relations with her siblings are warm, albeit cautious given the spider's web of intrigue that is the court of Sunspear. Her family tree can be found [url=http://www.familyecho.com/?p=UF872&c=fyz511pcow&f=486266662569610350]here.[/url][/indent] [color=white][b]Personal Relations[/b][/color] [indent]Describe notable (PC) characters they know, why they know them, and what their opinion of said character is.[/indent] [/color][/indent] [/hider]