Lutz counted his inventory, checked his orders, and surveyed the items he finished repairing before he gave himself a break. The sun was bright in the blue summer sky. The dwarf clicked his tongue as he spotted dark clouds from the east slowly trailing its way toward Loudwater. "Hope it doesn't rain too hard on Scarlet." He whistled, eyes fixed on the large mountain hovering over the village. He thought about tagging along one of the climbing tours today to get in on some hot spring action but thought against it as he glanced back at the storm clouds. Just then he spotted Linwood's daughter carrying a basket of produce and remembered he had a batch of tools he had to give back to him. Lutz drank the murky coffee in his mug then rummaged through the cupboards above his work station until he pulled out a small duffel bag. Just then, a courier came running through the entrance gate. "Mayor's residents?" The young lad said. Lutz saw there was some panic in the messenger's eyes. He pointed at the large blue manor in the distance, but then course corrected for the town hall. "Mayor Livingstone is at his office in the town hall. Red roof with the windmill." The courier nodded, then paced up the pathway, clutching his messenger bag like his life depended on it. Lutz shrugged, motioning towards The Golden Arrow. He entered through the entrance way, nodding to some of the tourists hanging about the lobby, then waved at Elias. "Mornin' Eli" Lutz smiled, swinging the duffel bag full of tools over to the man. "I forgot to get this back to ya sooner. They're all refastened, sharpened, and good fer whatever needs fixin'." Lutz then spotted Eryn, and when she wasn't busy with whatever chores her father had her doing, he whistled for her attention. "Eryn!" He smiled. She was beautiful as always, a near spitting image of her mother. "You climbin up Scarlet today? I was think'n about goin' up myself for a quick hot spring dip, but storm clouds are comin in pretty quick from the east..."