[hr] [center][h1][color=D9E0F9]Tiffany Lyle[/color] and [color=00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/21200000/Buffy-Gifs-buffy-summers-21248744-500-239.gif[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/05e4f740a0625615c66e197f7ade4bab/tumblr_inline_n67677uhZ91r7blwi.gif[/img] Location: The Mess Hall -> Sana's House[/center] [hr] Tiffany's smile confused Jack slightly, though he imagined she was likely just trying to put on a brave face. He could smell the fumes escaping into Newnan's air - the fumes he was inhaling with each breath. Jack couldn't help but cough, with the gas making it harder to breathe. [color=00ff00]"Any idea where this gas is comin' from? Distillahie, maybe?"[/color] Jack asked, turning around. Heading northwest seemed like the safest way to get out of Newnan. His heart clenched as he spotted familiar auburn hair near the medical garden. There were supplies there - of course! He grinned, entirely relieved to know that Tatiana was safe. She was getting supplies and then getting the hell out of dodge - a logical choice. She was a survivor for a long time before the world ended. If anyone was making it out alive, it was her. [color=00ff00]"Tatiana! She's ovah there, Tiff!"[/color] Jack explained, before breaking off into a sprint. Despite making a beeline for the medical garden, she had vanished. Glancing around wildly, he nearly had a nervous break, until he saw her again - this time climbing over what used to be the inner gate. Sana and Bryn's home was in that direction. She must not have noticed him - understandable, with the general chaos of Newnan. [color=00ff00]"Tatiana! Right behind ya!"[/color] Jack called out. Supplies first - there'd be some in Sana's house - then they'd just be a few seconds behind her. The three of them could follow Newnan's bug out plan. Hell, Tiffany and Ray could be reunited as well. He continued to rush forward, not even suspecting that Tatiana may not have been real. Before Tiffany could answer Jack's question, he ran off, shouting for Tatiana. Tiffany looked but she didn't see the woman. However, it made her feel better knowing she was all right. It gave her hope that the others would be ok too. She was about to follow when something else caught her eye. Or rather, someone. It was Ray running away now. However, something was a bit off. It seemed Ray grew his leg back! Maybe while she was digging the graves he was fitted with a prosthetic. That made her feel better now, especially with all that has happened. She called for him, [color=D9E0F9]"Ray, wait up!"[/color] She followed where she saw him run. She ran past the medical garden and climbed over the debris with some effort. She glanced around, but he was nowhere to be seen. He was fast now, maybe? Two legs would do that to you. She called for him again, [color=D9E0F9]"Ray? Where did you go? We need to leave together."[/color] Out of the corner of his eye, Jack caught a glimpse of an orange blur - Schrodinger? What the hell was the cat doing here? Maybe Tatiana had grabbed the little devil on her way out. She was awfully fond of the cat. The bastard was sprinting around the corner, heading towards the corner of the outer wall remains. [color=a187be]"Vhere are you?"[/color] His heart pounded, hearing Tatiana once more. Screw the supplies - he needed to make sure his family was alright. They could get supplies later. Hell, Tatiana probably grabbed enough supplies for everyone. [color=00ff00]"Right behind ya!"[/color] Jack shouted out. [color=00ff00]"Right where Sana's house is - was!"[/color] he added. Since he could hear her, she had to be near. He just needed to get a better idea of where he voice was. [color=00ff00]"Where are ya? You okay? The baby?"[/color] There was no reply. Tiffany looked around, but saw now signs of Ray. It hit her that he wasn't there at all. Was it another trick of her mind like her losing her sight before? It may be a side effect of being thrashed about by the destruction of Newnan. She had to get it together. Now, more than ever, she needed to get to safety and find Ray. Tiffany remembered the bug out bags. However, she also wanted to make sure Jack was ok too. If Jack did find Tatiana, he would find a bug out bag and the closest one (she assumed) was forward in Sana's place. So Tiffany spun around, but as she did so, she tumbled over the debris, falling to the ground. It stung a bit, but only her pride was wounded. She stood up and made her way back to the Sana's to get a bug out bag and, hopefully, Jack as well.