[quote=@catchamber] [@POOHEAD189] You're referring to proto-writing, but yeah, it's a small matter. Pure anarchy is possible if individuals are completely self-sufficient. Can most people achieve that today? Probably not, because they're told that pure anarchy is impossible, and that they need to become overspecialized and hyperdependent proles that must service systems that falsely claim to serve their interests. They're also systematically prevented from becoming completely self-sufficient, and many end up capitulating because complete self-sufficiency is routinely described as being implausible for anyone that doesn't have insane amounts of disposable currency. [/quote] My friend, there is always going to be someone who owns the guns, or controls the trade, or distributes the supplies, or has the money, which means there is always going to be a hierarchy. No matter where you go, or what you do.