This is what I've written so far for a possible Interesting Check. Anything I've missed, as so far as I can go without spoiling anything? [hider=USSR Cthulhu]Welcome comrade! Welcome to The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Mother Russia, the Motherland, Soviet Russia, whatever you like to call Her. The home of the Revolution, workers, farmers and Socialism in one country. It has been 15 years since the Revolution overthrew the Tsar and the captitalist bourgeoisie, and 10 years since the Red Army won over the fiends of the Whites. Now we live in a socialist, workers paradise, every each one of us working their very best to make the Communist future a reality. Our Comrade Stalin more so than anyone else, defender of the revolution! Do not believe the Western propaganda about the so-called 'purges' or starvation in the Ukraine. They are simply not true. That is not how our Communist project works, that is a pure lie. No, we're here to look after you, comrade. The Party is your friend. The Party is your protector. The Party is kind. The Party is just. Trust the Party. Anything else is lies. Revitionist propaganda aimed at destroying everything Comrade Lenin and Stalin have worked so hard for. Don't believe lies. Believe in the Party. But what can you believe when the truth are lies, and lies the truth? When the possible is impossible, and the impossible possible? When the truth is just as impossible to believe as the lie, but the lie makes you sleep at night? Who can you trust? Who's your friend, and who's ready to snitch on your to the NVKD as soon as humanly possible? Especially when you, yes YOU, have been accused of high treason against the State, the Party and Comrade Stalin. What are you willing to do to save the State and Party? And what about yourself? What are you willing to do in the face of the "Terror"? [hr][hr] Welcome to "Terror", a Call of Cthulhu-scenario for the 6th edition. Unlike most scenarios, you find yourselves in Moscow during the height of the Great Purges. Former loyal party members of the Party and supporters of Josef Stalin, now found themselves accused of the most bizzare charges, just because of Stalin's paranoia. Everyone is a possible suspect and informant at the same time, nobody can be trusted. Not even your own family or friends. It's during these times that something dark lurks over the Soviet Union. Cosmic horrors, horrors from beyond the stars and our understanding of the known universe. Horrors that make any lesser man crumble in primal fear, and the stronger or narrow-minded ones lose their very minds. And like everything else in the USSR, the Politburo keeps it a state secret for eveything it's worth. While in America you're put in an asylum for speaking of such horrors, in the USSR you'll be imprisoned for not following the Party line; If you're lucky, you might even get shot in the head. This will be a one-shot scenario, with the posibility for further scenarios in the coming future if this one get's to its fitting end. We'll be using the 6th edition rules, because that's what the scenario uses, and that's the rulebook I posess at hand. How we'll do it with character sheets and rolls will be decided on soon, but advice is highly welcome. If you have any questions, please do ask them. I'll be more than happy to answer them! [/hider]