[hider=Onmyouji] [hider=Pic] [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Pixiv.Id.254652.full.1760744.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Momo Mochizuki [b]Nickname(s):[/b] The Oni of the Obake Shrine [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Previous Onmyouji?:[/b] Yes [b]Shikigami:[/b] Akiko [b]Sigil and Location:[/b] [url=https://f4.bcbits.com/img/0005822835_10.jpg]Back[/url] [b]Alignment:[/b] Yang Metal [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Due to her alignment she isn't suited for being the one at the frontline, instead Momo prepares the ritual to exorcise or banish the demon. She can summon and control black chains which she can use to restrain the target or as a way to defend herself, this chains can be broken with some effort so the target must be weakened before she attempts the exorcising ritual. Once the target is unable to escape, she puts on her black Oni mask, looks into the Yokai’s eyes (or just look at them if they have no eyes) and borrowing the power of the king of hell Enma she sends the evil spirit back to hell, or where it came from. This process may take a while depending on how powerful the Yokai is and how weakened it is, if the Yokai released himself during the process, the ritual is aborted and Momo would have to start from scratch. In case she needs to defend herself Momo carries a steel bat with her and despite her slender figure, she's quite strong. [b]Catalyst:[/b] A black Oni mask Team: (Optional/Unneeded) [b]History:[/b] While Momo was born without any complications and was a healthy baby, both her family and the medical staff couldn't overlook a certain aspect of Momo; her crimson-red eyes. Since she didn't have any signs of vision problems, it was dismissed as just a weird mutation and life moved on. Unsurprisingly in school, she gained a lot of unwilling attention for those eyes, some thought they were cool, but the majority thought they looked like the eyes of a demon. Rumors about her being secretly a demon in disguise, that the student who got a terrible fever had looked her in the eyes, that she could lift objects with her mind, etc began to spread around school, causing many to distance away from her. Still, Momo did not want to cause trouble for the teachers and her parents so she simply shut up and ignored any talks behind her back. Eventually, as the years passed rumors would stop and while she did not have many friends and was still considered a weirdo by some, it's not like she cared much. Things would get weirder for her when she started seeing strange things, orbs of light, animals that could pass through the wall like it was nothing and all another sort of weird stuff. Had she finally gone mad? She needed someone to give her answers, and telling her parents or anyone at school would mean more problems to her, who was already considered a weirdo. As a last resort, she went to the Obake shrine in search for answers. Hearing that she was a medium wasn't as a big surprise as she would have thought, she was associated with the supernatural since she could remember so it wouldn't be much of a stretch that she had some supernatural abilities. Seeing as there were not many active Onmyouji, she offered her help to protect the city from malicious Yokai. Because she was already involved and it was impossible to ignore the strange occurrences and return to her normal life. [b]Personality:[/b] A no-nonsense, serious and a workaholic person, Momo doesn't like to bother people with her problems and has the bad habits of trying to do everything alone. She isn't very patient and gets frustrated if things don't go how she expected them to go. Momo doesn't have many hobbies, spending most of the time studying and helping in the shrine in what she can, but in her little free time she likes to watch horror movies, though when asked she will say that the purpose of this is for “Psychological training”. She is very obedient and loyal to orders from those she considers her superiors and it would take a lot for her to disobey an order. [b]Other:[/b] Pardon my spirits [/hider] [hider=Shikigami] [hider=Pic] [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Pixiv.Id.723867.full.1595005.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Name(if any):[/b] Akiko [b]Nickname(s):[/b] The wandering earthquake of Kantō, [b]Preferred Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Appearance:[/b] In her human form Akiko stands at 6 feet tall and looks like she is in her late twenties, with long black hair and her horns taking the form of hair ornaments. She gives the impression of a noblewoman at first glance and usually has a small smile on her face. She is also never seen without her sword at her side, which may make some people who meet her uncomfortable. When she reveals her true form Akiko´s skin becomes reddish, her horns turn black and grow larger,her iris becomes crimson red, her hair turns white and gets messier, black marks appear all over her body, just like tiger stripes, she grows to the size of 7.5 feet tall and lastly her slender figure is replaced by a more muscular one. [b]Shikigami?:[/b] Yes [b]Onmyouji:[/b] Momo [b]Tier:[/b] 3 [b]Alignment:[/b] Yin Earth [hider=Sigil] [img]https://f4.bcbits.com/img/0005822835_10.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Powers:[/b] Swordsmanship: A prodigy since little, she could easily beat her brothers at a young age and was a formidable warrior, though nothing on the level of Miyamoto Musashi and other genius swordsmen. Super Strength: One of the defining features of an Oni. Crushing boulders, bending steel and handling a 1.7m iron club with ease are things she can easily do in her human form. But she would need to shed that form to be able to be worthy of being called “The Wandering Earthquake of Kantō” Claws: Thought almost never used by Akiko, she possesses powerful claws in her hands and feet, capable of cutting flesh like it was butter. Shapeshift An ability she trained on after hearing how Ibaraki-doji had taken on another form to recover his arm. By concentrating Akiko can copy the appearance of any person she can remember for a short amount of time. Another variation on this ability is that she can hide her oni features and look entirely human, while she can maintain that form for a long time her power is weakened. Fear Inducement: Oni are tasked with tormenting humans, and this task is not accomplished just by using physical force. By locking eyes with the target she can induce a fight-or-flight response, making the target try to escape, freeze in fear or try to attack her. The reaction, if there is even one, varies depending on the person and their current emotional state. Alcohol Tolerance: A thousand years of drinking have given her a superhuman alcohol tolerance, capable of drinking enough alcohol to kill three men, not many youkai can keep up with Akiko and she is happy to challenge anyone that claims to be able to drink more than her. [b]History:[/b] Pending [b]Personality:[/b] Akiko was plagued with hate for everything living and a mad desire for power in her human life, emotions so powerful that she was changed into an Oni while living. But in a thousand years her temper that made her gain the nickname of the “Wandering Earthquake” was replaced with a boundless calm. The relative peace of this era has made her easy going, lazy and gave her a love of booze and party. As a complete opposite of her younger self, Akiko doesn't feel any hate towards humans, while she doesn't understand their motives or actions sometimes and they are prone to repeat their mistakes, she finds them amusing and tries to help them in what she perceives as their problems in her own mischievous way, like her Onmyouji having no sense of fun. [b]Other:[/b] Pardon my spirits [/hider]