[@Guess Who][@Ryonara] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vZDAbLL.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=1a7b30][center]Survival[/center][/color][/h3] The Grimm were being taken care of rather handedly, Emerald continued to provide air support by harassing as many Grimm as she could from the skies. A sudden succession of splashes however caught her attention. Some supply crates had fallen off the boat and into the water...along with one of her comrades. Emerald was quick to fly over, quickly spotting her wet teammate. [color=1a7b30]"Don't worry I got you uh..."[/color] What was his name again? [color=1a7b30]"...Robert!"[/color] That was his name right? He was the accident prone guy, or so the rumors said. Not wanting to get wet herself, Emerald used her semblance to form a small cyclone around Robert, which quickly turned into a water spout as it hit the water, it pulled Robert out of the water and into the air. He was then hit with another burst of air that slowed him enough for Emerald to grab him and start heading towards the lifeboats. [color=1a7b30]"You gotta be more careful...ya know?"[/color] Emerald said, her voice a bit strained. [color=1a7b30]"You're really heavy...what do you eat?" [/color]