"At this point, I agree Shadow.." Yami muttered for only her to hear. [i]'Ugh, Weevil turned this match around once more-- but I'm not giving up!'[/i] The insect Duelist cackling which was really getting on Yami's nerves. "Heheheheheh! So, Yugi, feeling outclassed yet?! Or perhaps you're enjoying your first major-league dueling loss! Heeheeheeheeh!" "Hm. You may have gotten your prized monster onto the field, Weevil, but I'll still find a way to squash that oversized bug!" Yami vowed. "Ha! You'll pay for that stinging jab, with your lifepoints!!" Weevil sneered. Yami drew his card, placed a card facedown in the spell and trap zone. Before accepting Weevil's challenge. With Weevil's Great Moth rise aloft and squares off against Curse of Dragon, who screams a challenge. [i]'Heh. Yugi's dragon is no match for my Great Moth, and none of his land monsters have the ability to attack me in the air! Heheh! But which puny creature should I obliterate first!'[/i] Weevil thought to himself. "I think it's high time I pay back your Knight, for demolishing my Cocoon!" [i]'My Knight! He's the heart of my attack force! There's no way I can afford to lose him!'[/i] Yami was in shock. He had to remain cool though. He had a counter strike waiting but he needed Weevil to fall for it. "Not if I can help it, Weevil!" The Spirit said. "But that's just it, you can't help it! Moth! Hurricane attack!" Weevil declares as Yami's defence monster is destroyed. Yami smirked then. "You triggered my trap Weevil!" Saying cooly. Weevil looked horrified. "W-What?" "You should have figured that I would have a back up should my defense fail. I play the Trap Eclipse. This card can only be triggered when I have a monster in defense mode that is destroyed. After that I can then Special Summon the monster [i]Dark Djinn[/i] [b](ATK:2800-DEF:2000)[/b] of whom place in attack mode." Yami explained as he pulled her card from the deck and placed her card in the Monster Zone in attack mode. He shuffles his deck as he looks to Weevil whom is freaking out by Djinn's attack and defense points make a jump by 200 points making it [b]ATK:3000-DEF:2200[/b]. "She also gains a power boost due to the Traps effect. Jaden rose his fist in the air as he whooped and Joey grinned big and cackled. "Heck ya! Thats what im talking about!" Joey whooped. Yubel smiled, seeing her friend on the field. Yugi drew his card when Weevil could do no more. "Now, I use the Spell card [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/3/30/Polymerization-SDMY-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20161021200403]Polymerization[/url]. This card allows me to use monsters to fuse together and I will use it on Curse of Dragon and Gaia the Fierce Knight to summon, [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/6/62/GaiatheDragonChampion-YGLD-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20170813174420]Gaia the Dragon Champion[b](ATK:2600-DEF:2100)[/b][/url]." Gaia the Knight's new steed is Curse of Dragon, and together Yami's two monsters are rising to a level opposite the Great Moth in the pollen-filled air. "I'm not some [b][i]beginner[/i][/b], I know what fusion does!" Weevil retorted. "Then you must know it increases my attack points. My fused Dragon-Knight combo is now powerful enough to go head-to-head with your Great Moth!" "Hahahahahahahaha! I wouldn't be so sure about that! Look again!" Weevil pointed out. Yami looked to his field to see what was happening as he saw the pollen filled air. "Huh...? No...!" He breathed out as he watches his dragon-mounted knight and Dark Djinn are losing points little by little. "My knight. Djinn! Their losing points. And fast. But how? And why?" Weevil gave out a sinister cackle. "Heheheheh. It's [i][b]poison[/b][/i], Yugi. Poison particles from my Great Moth. Each time it uses its Hurricane attack, it releases tons of these tiny toxic particles-- and your [b][i]precious[/i][/b] dragon-knight combo and your little Djinn is being poisoned by their deadly touch! Ahahahahahaha!" Gaia's attack now to 2000 and still going, Djinn being effected the same way. [i]'My Knight and Djinn are losing points with each passing second! But how do I protect them against the very air itself?!'[/i]