[@BlueSky44] Almalthia looks at the three girls and boy that follow her into the room and nods to them in a friendly manner as she perches on the edge of the desk. She focuses on the conversation and looks up at Mira who walks in. Almalthia nods to her in the same manner as the others. Almalthia again falls into the intense focus that she gives the Professor as he speaks. He dismisses them and she heads out of the room for the hangar. Finally a chance to get out of the school. Not that the school is bad but one can only take so much monotony before you go stir crazy. Which then lead to stupid things like, running away or involving yourself in meaningless relationships. She needed to SKYPE her sister and grandparents later on. Hopefully she wouldn't miss out and be able to from her phone...somewhere. [color=fff200] "So I'm curious as to what this Bill entails and how we are supposed to not let it pass. If its that dangerous should we really be up front and center? And who in the world could replace Mr. McCoy to head this off? I wonder." [/color] She stated as she ponders who it could be while heading to the hangar. She fiddled with her black leggings smoothing a crease that was not there and adjusted her white three quarter sheer shirt under her bright blue faux fur vest. She was fiddling to fiddle and keep her mind off being in the Blackbird with so many people she didn't know. She moved on to messing with her hair. She was downright nervous since she wanted to make a good impression. She normally wasn't this twitchy. [color=fff200] "So I guess introductions are in order since I really don't know anybody's name. New kid and all that jazz. I'm Almalthia Simon AKA Resurgence."[/color] Almalthia looked around at the others quizzically waiting for an answer.