[@Fury Panda] I like the set-up to this whole encounter, it's cool, but there's something irking me if I may be honest. The post you gave feels a little too stilted and rigid. There's a lot of 'This character did this, this happened without contest' without really giving us a chance to properly react. The whole situation with Eden getting grabbed would be neat, but saying 'The spodder was 2 fast 4 u' feels a little... cheap? Like, there's about 3 people around Eden with one of those being literally right next to her. Couldn't Jeff have hit or grabbed the claw as it grabbed on to Eden, or stabbed into it with something? It seems more realistic than assuming he froze in place and just forgot, as everyone would be cautious and wary of the thing by this point. Also, the placement is a tad odd. How did Sam manage to open the door with Itaki, Jeff and Eden blocking the way? Wouldn't it make more sense for Itaki to grab the improvised wedge from Sam and do it himself, considering he was the closest to the door? And the way you wrote the situation, I feel there's too little for us to do. What are Dakota and Lock going to achieve, for example? They're both the furthest away from everyone and Dakota is wounded. They can't get to the spider or interact with Eden in any way and are relegated to just kind of stand there and gawk. I had thought Lock could taunt the creature and draw its attention to him, but without being able to change anything about Eden being caught... eeeeeh... I dunno, it just worries me is all. Don't feel like me and some others can do much in this situation.