Is it too late to join? ^_^' Name: Aika Sato. Gender: Female. Sexuality: Bisexual (Doesn't have preference between male and female). Age (Between 14 and 18): 16 (Birthday is May 6th) Grade: Junior year - Grade 11. Appearance: Pastel blue hair laid back long and wavy, fair pinkish white skin with a pink blush. Yellow eyes like rhinestone. Parent(s): Chiharu and Hisao Sato. Personality: Her personality can be described as tsundere and dandere or in other words, a bodere. She is embarrassed about her interests and tries to act tough and tomboyish in front of her senpai to make her seem cooler when she is really a cutesy girly girl. When her senpai mentions her interests (like baking or anime/manga), she acts tsundere. Club: Cooking/baking. Other: She loves music and creates music in her spare time. She plays flute, violin and acoustic guitar. She also likes to sketch outside for fun in her other spare time, typically of her favourite anime/manga characters, her surroundings outside or "fan art" of her and senpai, occasionally also drawing portraits of her with her friends. She isn't a big otaku, but is big enough to be considered an otaku.