[@Pyromaniacwolf]Nah. You don't have to do that. It just would have been easier if everyone made a distinction between their current personality now versus how they were before. I felt that you did that but I wasn't sure if his post-banish personality was going to be his 24/7 mood for the remainder of the game. [@AllHollowsEve]Yep! Still need a Sloth. :D And I don't mean the animal. [@Hammerman]Seems all right. Very anime (not saying that's bad. It meets the theme of the game). I'm going to give everyone a heads up. When we get all the people needed for this game, I'm going to have everyone submit a writing prompt. This isn't a writing prompt from another game. I want an example writing sample for the character you created. The reason why is I've had situations in the past where people ignored the casual-advanced tags in the game and wrote on a "free form" level. This is not a free-form game. Also, while this is in the casual section. I am going to be lenient to a point on English grammar. If I can tell you didn't at least proofread your work, then that laziness is going to speak wonders on the kind of writing we can expect from you. [@Pyromaniacwolf][@Dark Light][@Majoras End][@Yahrlan][@Keksalot][@Hammerman][@AllHollowsEve][@Caelum]